Router loses IPv6 connection after each reboot, need to restart interface each time

I have my router connected to a ONT.
When I reboot my router, my IPv6 doesn't work until I press Restart on the wan6 interface.
Why is this happening?

Slow WAN(6) connection PPPoE?

As a workaround you can try something like this, add to System > Startup > local startup ( rc.local):

sleep 30; ifdown wan6; sleep 5; ifup wan6

No guarantee it works, and of course the "high road" is to use a hotplug script :wink:

It's not PPPoE.
Wan6 seems to be "up" but actually doesn't. Until I hit Restart on the Wan6 in the interface as I mentioned.

For now I'm testing this fix:
uci set network.wan6.norelease='1'
Will update if it solved the issue.

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