Revert to stock firmware Linksys WRT3200ACM

Are you really flashing a rango with venom FW

Why do U think it is "rango"? It was born WRT32x.

Have you noticed the thread heading, but I guess that just raises the question as to why you resurrected this thread.

OK, Sorry :slight_smile:
It is only thread I found answer why OEM Firmware is not able to be installed after OpenWRT 23 in my WRT32x (one more time thanks to Pico!). It is true that any other Firmware I tried was not able to work after OpenWRT 23 (OEM, DD-WRT, Expressvpn). And downgrade to OpenWRT 18 realy helped. But now I found OpenWRT SSH in my OEM Firmware WRT32x and I do not understand if it is normal.

Now I have four Linksys WRT on my desk:

  • WRT1200AC (knew him "from box", OEM, never changed firmware): SSH "Connection refused"
  • WRT1900ACS.V2 (not mine, OEM): SSH "Connection refused"
  • WRT3200ACM (not mine, OEM): SSH "Connection refused"
  • WRT32x (not mine, ???-->Expressvpn-->OEM-->OpenWRT 23-->OpenWRT 22-->OpenWRT 18-->OEM): SSH is working

Yep, I do not think OEM has ssh access.

A script to change boot partitions, might offer an assist:

#hacked from /lib/upgrade/

cur_boot_part=`/usr/sbin/fw_printenv -n boot_part`
if [ "$cur_boot_part" = "1" ]
    fw_setenv boot_part 2
    fw_setenv bootcmd "run altnandboot"
elif [ "$cur_boot_part" = "2" ]
    fw_setenv boot_part 1
    fw_setenv bootcmd "run nandboot"
# re-enable recovery so we get back if the new firmware is broken
fw_setenv auto_recovery yes
echo "$target_firmware"

if you are sure of what is on the other, or use the power switch.

I used "3 failed boot" also known "power switch" method. I know, I have OEM firmware on both partitions now.

Well, since you do have ssh access what does ubus call system board return?

IDNT OEM == DD, what leads you to believe you are on OEM?

OK, I found smthng:
The man has it on OEM too.

P.S. Belkin, Belkin - you are Bad Boy :slight_smile:

P.P.S. Pico was right again :slight_smile:

I know it is OEM bcs I can see OEM GUI and I can find version of Firmware in GUI - it is "1.0.180404.58"
I made some small differences in the settings on purpose and now I can see those differences when switching partitions (the settings remain different on different partitions).

Now question about WRT3200ACM. Last OEM Firmware.
It is not mine. Know about him: "Works good from box".
I reseted it by the button. I went through the "first run" scenario and saved the settings. After this I used "3 failed boot" also known as "power switch" method and found the same OEM Firmware with all my settings. I maked small changes in settings and used "3 failed boot" again. And again I found configuration with all my "small changes". Now question: Why did I not find different configuration after changed partitios.
May be:

  1. GUI saving settings in one place for both partitios
  2. GUI saving settings in both partitios
  3. Router never been flashed and has nothing on 2nd partition it is why it stays on 1st.
  4. "3 failed boot" not working (but I did it on WRT32x 10+ times - working)

You are definitely not running Linksys official OEM firmware, and you are definitely not running official OpenWrt firmware.

If the other partitions firmware is broken, the boot loader could in some cases automatically switch back. It could even never switch to the second partition if some boot loader variables are messed up.

So you are not coming from an OpenWRT installation and not going to a OpenWRT installation and have a set of Linksys WRT routers with unknown stuff on it?

Best (warrenty free) advice a forum of OpenWRT enthusiasts can give, if you want to go back to Linksys firmware, have a serial cable at hand as fallback, try roasting OpenWRT 18 "factory" onto it twice and then the correct Linksys firmware twice. If that does not help, a Linksys forum or the seller will be of better help: routers are a lot like Vegas, what happens on the box, often stays on the box.
There are several initial partitions on Linksys WRT and OpenWRT does not touch all of them, so better not assume OpenWRT helps like a Windows registry cleaner.

About WRT32x I found information and Pico is 100% right: OEM for WRT32x is "hacked" OpenWRT Designated Driver. That's why I can see it's greeting when I login SSH. And why do you think it is definitely not OEM?
About WRT3200ACM I realy do not know how to understand what partition in use (1st or 2nd) when I have OEM Firmware. I can't even check if they actually switch. But it is not big problem. When I'll install OpenWRT first time I'll be able to check it.

Thank you! I am currently trying to work out the OEM <==> OpenWRT transition procedure for each Linksys WRT router and compare their performance in real conditions.

It was a surprise to me that the OEM firmware for WRT32x turned out to be the old OpenWRT. Are the other Linksys WRT OEM firmwares also based on OpenWRT?

wrt32x was most clearly openwrt with a revised GUI but not many other OEM customizations. wrt3200acm has older openwrt underpinning but a lot more OEM customization/features that make it less obvious.

so it looks like somehow you have venom soft (firm) ware on a device that was sold as wrt3200?

to be clear though - is your' hardware' a wrt3200 or a wrt32x ? they have different bootloaders and mtd maps. the wrt3200 is rango; the wrwt32x is venom.
To complicate things, there have been documented ways to convert the wr3200 hardware (ie u-boot and mtd map) to wrt32x (and vice-versa).. 'there were some images floating around that had the 'rango' fingerprint but were essentially the wrt32x software, so they could be loaded on a wrt3200 as an interim 'frankenbuild'.

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Whatever you flashed on your router would only be firmware that did not come from official OpenWrt, or from the Linksys official support site. Linksys firmware does not enable ssh access to their devices.

OpenWrt uses a system that points to the last commit prior to a build. Your posted screenshot of the banner proves that the firmware you flashed was not built from official OpenWrt source code.

To your aspersions that Linksys hacked an open source OpenWrt Designated Driver (maybe you can explain what driver is specified here) to use in the only OEM firmware currently published for the WRT32X on their support site is ludicrous. Any software produced by OpenWrt is in the public domain. Providing Linksys complies with the GPL terms, they can use it freely.

Thank you.
Now I have WRT3200 and WRT32x and both have native OEM Firmware. It was a surprise to me that the OEM firmware of WRT32x has working SSH and OpenWRT greeting when I login SSH. I was afraid that the firmware reflashing OpenWRT v.23 to OpenWRT v.18 to OEM was done with an error. But now I know that OEM of WRT32x is disguised version of OpenWRT Designated Driver and SSH is native opened on OEM for WRT32x.
On my WRT3200 I have OEM firmware too and closed SSH. I plan to test it with the new OpenWRT v.23 firmware too.

Taken here:

I have no other OEM for WRT32x.

I think Linksys has created a great WRT series just for "*WRT" firmwares. And I thank them for that.