Found the commits for basic support via rtw88 driver in the linux kernel somewhere around 2020:
When looking for further dedicated commits for the rtl8821ce chipset, there is not really much:
These low amount of commits calls in question the quality of the drivers, as not a lot of people seem to bother about this particular chipset to fix things. It also shows that the community is on its own (as Realtek does not upstream wifi code to the Linux kernel), which means YOU are on your own, if you go for this chipset.
Edit: found quite a few commits for 8821c, but I am not sure, if it is the same chipset.
Edit²: 8821ce uses the 8821c.h file. As a matter of fact, any changes to following files have an effect on 8821ce devices:
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/pci.h>
#include "pci.h"
#include "rtw8821c.h"