Real support of OpenWrt for NB4-FXC-r2


Please, is there anything we can do after the reading:

FW = openwrt-19.07.3-brcm63xx-smp-NEUFBOX4-FXC-squashfs-cfe.bin

installed on NB4 . (idem with generic fw)

Problem n°1 : the WIFI config is missing.

The command iw dev doesn't display anything, which seems to indicate a hardware problem.

However I tested a very old version of OpenWrt and this time the WIFI is well operational...

Problem n°2 = the complete boot in initial phase or perform reboot is thwarted :

The context : the red led stays frozen when the rj45 cable is connected to the TV port (wan).

which has the effect of freezing the box: no interface, no network.

the solution is to systematically disconnect the cable to booter/rebooter the box normally, and then reconnect the cable.

Everything suggests that the OpenWrt firmware 18.0x.x or 19.0x.x on NB4 is broken.

For test firmwares for repair I'm here if needed.

Thank you.

07/01/2020 Update :slight_smile:

Details : The model of box used is " NB4-FXC-r2 " however OpenWrt detect bcm63xx/NB4-FXC-r1 .

Still, old OpenWRT versions have worked in the past, what happened ?

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Neufbox4] WIFI missing and boot annoyed :