Question: Configure networks ( new lan devices, f/w, routing ) on TP-Link RE650 / openwrt 23

Why??? You should not let sleep get in the way of making progress on your network :laughing:

Chang get address above to so that it is inside your management network.

You need to use the network name in the said config. Remove the line with br-lan.100 and I comment the line above it with lan.

I recommend against sae-mixed. Use either wpa2 or wpa3, but not mixed mode because some client devices won’t work correctly.

Sam comments for the other VLANs. The network name for below should be vlan200:

And so on. Make sure you correct all the ssid configs accordingly.

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If this box is unplugged from my ER-X, and I then plug in my notebook into the RJ45 wan port, then can I guarantee that my notebook will get DHCP an address? Because right now when the notebook is plugged into the wan port I can give it a 10.90.0.nn address to log into the router in an emergency.

Actually, I do not understand.

My current wifi config is already this:

config wifi-iface 'default_radio0'
	option device 'radio0'
	#option network 'lan'
	option network 'br-lan.100'
	option mode 'ap'
	option ssid '0750_nomap'
	option encryption 'sae-mixed'
	option key 'XXXXXXXXXX'

Make sure you correct all the ssid configs accordingly.

But don't these ssid configs all need to be vlan aware?

That is what I see in your config, but it should look like this:

config wifi-iface 'default_radio0'
	option device 'radio0'
	option network 'lan'
	option mode 'ap'
	option ssid '0750_nomap'
	option encryption 'sae-mixed'
	option key 'XXXXXXXXXX'


  • this must be removed: option network 'br-lan.100'
  • and this must be uncommented: #option network 'lan'

Expanding a bit, the name of the network is lan, not br-lan.100. All of your SSID config stanzas have similar issues. Use the actual network names (lan, vlan200, vlan300, vlan400), not the device names.

Why is it called a network in the wireless file, but an interface in the network file?


option network lan


config interface lan

I am lost.

I made those wireless changes anyway and restarted the network (init.d).

Ref network file changes:

Why do I want the IP inside my management lan when the TPLink will DHCP an IP from the ER-X when connected, and use it's own address when disconnected and I plug my notebook into the wan port?

Also, I still think that I will lose access to the Rj45 wan port if I change the IP address.

Truthfully, I don't know. Probably some historic/legacy reason with some parts while other bits have changed terminology over time.

The interface in the /etc/config/network file is the "Network Interface" which is synonymous with simply "Network." It is a layer 3 (routed) construct. There are physical interfaces (ethernet, wifi, bridges; sometimes virtual devices like VPN tunnels) which are defined by the device term -- these are layer 2 (switching) entities. The network interface connects to the devices in order to be available to the outside world.

We attach the wifi SSIDs to a "network," not a device. That is why we connect to lan (network interface) and not br-lan.100 (bridge device).

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How many Ethernet ports does this TP-Link device have?

I don't see a wan port anywhere in the config, nor do I see any place where the TP-Link device would get an address via DHCP from the ER-X.

It has got 1 x RJ45 port which is the WAN. I connect with this port when the ssid fail, and it is not plugged into my ER-X.

My photo of me connected.

That is what I expected. The port may be labeled “wan” but it is really just a port.

That is expected. The device functions as a bridged ap. It does not have a dhcp server or anything else happening, it just provides an Ethernet to wifi bridge. It requires a router upstream to work (your er-x).

Odd. It does have a dhcp serve out of the box (stock install) and also when I installed openwrt - we disabled it - and I plug it into the er-x.

Of course, there is no wan interface in the config, but here is the bit I don't get: any port can be a wan or lan port. It is just a config.

Correct. You can only have a single dhcp server on the network, so we disable it on the ap and let the actual router do all the work.

Since there is just one port, it is either lan or wan. It cannot be both at once. Wan is usually the internet, whereas lan is typically the connection behind your router. As a bridged AP, we want it on your lan.

Openwrt has wifi disabled by defualt. On single port devices, the Ethernet port is setup as a lan port so that you can gain access to the device (the wan, usually exposed to the internet, is treated as untrusted and therefore you cannot access the router from the wan).

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OK. Got it.
Thanks for explanation.

I did all the changes and will plug the tplink back into the er-x.

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And Magic :sunny:

All works.

Thank-you for the incredible work you did! You spent hours on this. How can I repay you?

Now I am off to do some traffic shaping on the EdgeRouter!

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Just a quick question about running SQM on this openwrt TPlink re650.

I did some bufferbloat tests whilst on both 2g and 5g radios on the TPlink.

Download latency was fine, but upload latency was awful.

Can I run cake or fq_codel on the TPlink in this configuration?