Qualcommax NSS Build

Does anybody successfully run VLANs on this branch?

I've been running MX4300 on a non-NSS build for the past month+, with almost no issues, but want to try NSS. I've just built snapshot from this branch and can't auth to WiFi (everything else seems to be working). Here are steps:

  1. Configure Dumb AP, IPv4 only, dnmasq and firewall disabled. Works.
  2. Enable VLAN, add single VLAN1=U*, change Interface to br-vlan.1
  3. If encryption is enabled I can't connect to WiFi. If encryption is disabled - it works.

I've had the same issue with NSS build built around month ago.

Any ideas? Any settings I can play with to pinpoint issue, e.g. disable/enable NSS? Thanks.