Qotom router to run openwrt

buy a new machine:

I want to install openwrt in this machine but im new in this area


  • Atom C3758R on the intell site can run 64-it.
  • Use 2 Lan chips: Intell I226-v for 5 ports and Intell X553N

For a target i can use x86/64 and what image i can use,i dont know what use.

yes, and ?

any of the combined images, which one, is explained in the link you apparently didn't read.

probably a better DL link: https://firmware-selector.openwrt.org/?version=23.05.4&target=x86%2F64&id=generic

Yes i have read , sorry but ENG is not my native lang.and terms like (PC BIOS instead of EFI) its new to me.

So if i want to use my ssd at full cap i have to install ext4 and i lose the ability to reset openwrt if i mess my settings and i have space to install packages as i want.

And if i want to have reset openwrt i have to use squashfs but i only have 100MB of space.

you can always use squashfs, with https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/additional-software/extroot_configuration, to get the best of both worlds.

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