If you want everything at equal priority use cake with piece of cake. See how that goes.
Also if there are manual quality settings you might keep your current setup and just turn down the quality settings. That will have the video conf use less bandwidth but still get rock solid performance.
OK.. I have a similar Cable situation, where, on a good day or hour, I get up to 350/32 on my "300/30" connection. But, I also need to bring it down to 300-320 on the ingress/download and maybe 30-28 on the egress/upload, before I get a consistent low latency. It's worth playing around and looking closely at the latency graphs.
There was a long back post on setting up and using DSLReports Speedtest, which is still the best tool for this kind of tuning. Enabling the high speed bloat graph and finding the details tells you a lot about what's going on. There had been usability problems with it, but it seems to be usable now, though you have to use http, and you may have to trial and error edit which servers it picks out of the list. If one isn't fully functional, the test will not work. https://forum.openwrt.org/t/sqm-qos-recommended-settings-for-the-dslreports-speedtest-bufferbloat-testing/2803
Looking at the detailed, 10 per second latency results hidden in the graph makes it easy to find the threshold of fully managing the latency on your link. I get a lot of various tiny bursts of high latency, or sometimes ramps. Getting the speed enough below that "noise" level and they all are pretty much flattened out. Hard to see it, otherwise.
And, I would highly recommend the above mentioned "dangerous" Advanced Option strings that enable the per host behavior, as well as a few other things that cake can do, but need to be enabled. The per host flow control behavior might help your scheduling, somewhat.
Could you post the output of tc -s qdisc from before and after a Teams session please. cake will collect and report some statistics over the different priority tins and that should allow to figure out whether DSCPs are in play.
Hey all,
Sorry for the late reply. The forum does not allow more than 22 post I think for a new user within a 24 hour period. Really odd....
Anyways just want to thank everyone for their help.
I think I got it sussed with all your help and a little bit more reading online.
This is what I put in place and so far it has been pretty solid the whole day:
I set the download speed to 200 and the upload to 18 (think lowering the upload helped more than lowering the download)
Change queue script to piece_of_cake. I noticed high CPU load when using layer_cake. Not so high that it was causing router issues (about 0.5 to 0.7 for 1 minute load averages). Though I do think this contributed in some way also.
I set the following as per JonP :
ingress : nat dual-dslhost ingress ack-filter mpu 64
egress: nat dual-srchost ack-filter mpu 64
Link Layer Adaption set to Ethernet - 22
I also change my MTU on the WAN side to 1478 as I was seeing that max packet size was above 1500 when doing a tsc -s qdisc. So to alleviate possible fragmentation I dropped it down to 1478. Now it shows the max as being 1500
I have done a test where I am uploading a large file and checking the latency for Horizon. If I did nothing on my session I could see the latency jump up, but as soon as I started working and moving about the screen the latency dropped to where it should be, even while the upload from home was going on.
So I think we are on to a winner here.
Will leave it with these settings and hope that it stays constantly low(ish).
If anyone has any other tweaks I could put in that would great. Anything to get the best performance I can.
everything sounds fine except this bit. I'm not sure what the concept is here, and I don't think it's necessary. But if you have evidence that it helps... go for it. Still I think it's probably not needed.
As long as your interactive communications stays sufficiently solid for your desired level of solid, then you're all good. If you find that your video conf or audio conf stuff is problematic/garbled etc then there's probably more you can do, but test for a while and come back if you perceive problems, otherwise sounds good!
To be honest, SQM has only ever partially worked for me. I ended up getting an edgerouter X to do the heavy routing and QOS as its own devices while letting my wifi access points act as managed wifi switches.
I hope this is just a typo here in the forum it should be:
dst is short for destination.
That should not be a issue, as cake will dissect meta-packets (from GSO or GRO) into their individual MSS sized segments, this is one thing other qdiscs tend not to do... IMHO the reduced MTU effectively disables the GRO on another interface and is hence analog to using ethtool to disable GRO GSO on all interfaces. BUT these meta packets actually help the network stack to save work (e.g. routing lookup will only be needed once per meta packet instead of individually for each constituting packet).
Does cake have a switch to disable this? If you're operating at high speeds it seems like keeping them in big chunks could be fine. Like even a 30KB packet only takes 0.4 ms to send at 600Mbps for example. The dissection is absolutely great at slower speeds of course, like a 600Kbps DSL line would need 400ms to swallow that
Yes: split-gso and no-split-gso. From man tc-cake:
This option controls whether CAKE will split General Segmentation Offload (GSO) super-packets into their on-the-wire com‐
ponents and dequeue them individually.
Super-packets are created by the networking stack to improve efficiency. However, because they are larger they take longer to
dequeue, which translates to higher latency for competing flows, especially at lower bandwidths. CAKE defaults to splitting
GSO packets to achieve the lowest possible latency. At link speeds higher than 10 Gbps, setting the no-split-gso parameter can
increase the maximum achievable throughput by retaining the full GSO packets.
I think that cake defaults to split-gso unless the shaper speed is set to >= 1Gbps, but can't seem to find that in cake's tc code (because it lives in the kernel's sch_cake.c:
#define CAKE_SPLIT_GSO_THRESHOLD (125000000) /* 1Gbps */").
if (q->rate_bps && q->rate_bps <= CAKE_SPLIT_GSO_THRESHOLD)
q->rate_flags |= CAKE_FLAG_SPLIT_GSO; /* bit wise OR */
q->rate_flags &= ~CAKE_FLAG_SPLIT_GSO; /*bit wise AND */
Yes, that is why be default gso-splitting only happens unless the rate is >= 1 Gbps.
One of the reasons to do it up to 1Gbps IIRC is that GSO introduces a lumpiness that makes fairness guarantees much weaker than one would like...
There once was the idea of splitting only packets that exceed a certain serialization time (so allow small super-packets on links slower than 1Gbps, but that got replaced by the simple <= 1Gbps test and the ability to override that by the user via the split-gso/no-split-gso keywords)
These two snapshots look okay to me except that I would recommend to only use ACK filter on upload/egress and not on ingress, but that should not have much consequences either way.
Well, that is how TCP works, it will increase its sending side window of acceptable not-yet-acknowledged segments (the congestion window) until it sees signs of having reached/exceeded the network path's capacity, which typically are packet drops (reported to the sender via the reversely flowing ACK packets from the receiver). Traditionally these drops happen becsause the buffers of the bttleneck are overfull and hence that node drops all packets that arive until there is again room in the node's egress queue; AQM's like cake or fq_codel now selectively drop packets for individual flows before all buffer/queue space is exhausted, so over all might generate a slightly higher rate of drops (but not by much, drops are normal for TCP flows, AQM or no AQM).
The one alternative would be to configure your computers such that they try to negotiate Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) with the servers (will only work if the servers support that, but many servers on the internet will use ECN if the client actually requests it). In that case fq_codel/cake will just mark a packet with a Congestion Exposure mark that then is transmitted via the ACK reverse flow from receiver to sender and cause the same reduction in congestion window as a drop would have done. Please note that when push comes to shove and fq_codel/cake are absulutely swamped with packets, both will not bother with CE marking but directly drop, because an ECN marked packet still takes up space on the queue, so to dig out of absolute overload dropping is the only realistic option.
Yes, I would probably do that. BUT if keeping it smaller actually helps cake to perform better, and you can repeatedly convince your self that to be the case and not just a fluke, I would probably also switch back to the slightly reduced MTU setting.
I can certainly test putting it back. I only put it to that value as my limited knowledge of networking, suggested that going over 1500 you get fragmentation, and fragmentation is not good.
Will put it in this evening and see how it performs tomorrow.
Interesting... and good to hear youre seeing improvements.
Yeah, don't be shy about backing down the rates. Sometimes you have to drop a bit more for good, consistent low latency. Finding the thresholds and lowering a bit more, especiallly on the ingress, seems to be key
I'm not so sure about the <1500 setting either. You can just test a lot either way and see if it is helping or not. I have never changed it.
I have the ack-filter on both ways, though I know its much more effective on the ingress, usually not needed on egress. As you see, theres a LOT of acks on the smaller bandwith ingress of a very asymmetrical cable connection. You seem to have more on your egress than I do. It shouldn't hurt for it to be on for both, and on your ingress thats a good bit of bandwith and extra packet time in the pipe that you are saving.
Heed the warning about getting a typo in the Advanced strings... if so, you wont have SQM at all, with no warning. (except for sudden worse performance) Since youre using tc -s qdisc its easy to check it that way.
Another thing I noticed in your results there, is that you have something in the marks. I think this indicates ECN in use. I always see 0 in those fields with my Cox service. You might play with turning the default "off" settiing on, to see if that helps or hurts. I've never been able to, but apparently Cox isnt supporting it on their end. Might not amount to much, the numbers are small.
It is the other way around, you want to ACK filter your outgoing ACK flows, on ingress the ACK filtering is not going to much good (with typical asymmetric links, getting <= 1/40 of the upload rate "back" for downloading data is not going to help much) and the ACK compression typically is less of an issue for faster links (even on a nominally bursty link like DOCSIS there are more download transmit opportunities going around, so ACK compression should never be as much an issue than on egress, where on DOCSIS each node first needs to request a transmit slot before it can send anything, and while waiting for that slot more ACKs for the same flow might accumulate in the queue and hence distort/compress the ACK clocking).
I think we might be in "violent" agreement about the facts and just differ in how we name the directions though
On a WAN interface ingress is the direction from the Internet, aka download direction, which typically is larger, while egress is the direction towards the internet, aka upload, which typically is smaller, and ACK-filtering works better on the smaller and/or more bursty link.
Mmmh, I believe a `logread' will show actual SQM error messages since a few SQM revisions now, but yes, in the GUI there ill not be any feedback about the success...
Cake will always use ECN if a packet carries either the ECT(0) or ECT(1) mark, ECN is opnly configurable for HTB+fq_codel.
Your ISP does not matter so much (unless they bleach the ECT(0) ECT(1) codepoints from IP packets, what matters is whether the two endpoints of a connection actually negotiated to use ECN in the first place. Many servers will allow that, but expect the client to request it, so you might want to configure the default ECN behavior in your clients...
The spli-gso thing is not about jumbo frames (frames with MTU > 1500) but only about super-packets in which the kernel treats a sequence of ordered packets of the same flow as a single entity during its progress though the network stack, which can safe a ton of processing (e.g. routing lookup will only be performed once per super-packet, instead of individually for each segment, which is just fine since routing decisions will/should be identical for all segments in a TCP flow).
But yes, splitting GSO packets has some cost, but hopefully not more than processing these packets as one unit in the network stack before reaching cake actually saved (mind you I have no hard numbers on that).