[python 3.8.x - flent] compiling matplotlib fails | busybox collision

  • Master 4.19.93

  • Python 3.8.1

    pip list
    Package                             Version
    ----------------------------------- ----------
    attrs                               19.3.0
    bottle                              0.12.18
    bottle-i18n                         0.1.5
    cachelib                            0.1
    certifi                             2019.11.28
    dev-detect                          0.3.1
    flent                               1.3.2
    flup                                1.0.3
    importlib-metadata                  1.4.0
    Jinja2                              2.10.3
    jsonschema                          3.2.0
    MarkupSafe                          1.1.1
    more-itertools                      8.1.0
    netmetr                             1.5.3
    notification-system                 0.2.2
    nyx                                 2.1.0
    paho-mqtt                           1.5.0
    pbkdf2                              1.3
    pip                                 20.0.1
    pipenv                              2018.11.26
    pyroute2                            0.5.7
    pyrsistent                          0.15.7
    pyserial                            3.4
    python-prctl                        1.7
    python-slugify                      4.0.0
    pyuci                               0.6
    PyYAML                              5.1.2
    setuptools                          45.1.0
    six                                 1.14.0
    speedtest-cli                       2.1.2
    stem                                1.8.0
    svupdater                           1.2.1
    text-unidecode                      1.3
    turrishw                            0.1
    ubus                                0.0.0
    virtualenv                          16.7.9
    virtualenv-clone                    0.5.3
    websockets                          8.1
    wheel                               0.33.6
    zipp                                2.0.0

flent dependency on matplotlib but latter not compiling, apparently Cython failing to compile in the first place [1].

Anyone got flent working in the aforementioned environment?


Appears to be some causality:

  • flent functionally depends on matplotlib
  • matplotlib functionally depends on numpy
  • numpy depends on gcc being installed

File “numpy/core/setup.py”, line 661, in get_mathlib_info
raise RuntimeError(“Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program”)
RuntimeError: Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program
Preparing wheel metadata: finished with status ‘error’

And finally gcc does not install because it collides with busybox

Collected errors:

  • check_data_file_clashes: Package binutils wants to install file /bin/strings
    But that file is already provided by package * busybox
  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package gcc.
ERROR: Command `/home/staging_dir/hostpkg/bin/python3.11 -c 'import os                                            
import numpy as np