Prolink | 4G+ Fixed Wi-Fi Router

is there any possibility of support for this cheap device?

open it up, tell us what makes it tick, and we'll tell you if it's supportable.

not acquired yet, looking for a not too expensive accessible LTE router. Not much data online except youtube. If I acquire I will definitively put picture. Unless someone else here already have it and willing to share some info.

no idea how the prices are in SG (or if you're even buying it in SG), but $100+ for a (slow too) 4G router is extremely expensive.

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thx frollic, any recommendation?

smstools and 150 MB of various tools and scripts to be installed, was checking this one mainly for its usb connection.

or may be i just get a usb dongle

that's what I would do, especially if you already got an openwrt device.

yep, but very very hard to get one, and importing will require special procedures that if succesful will take months to get off customs, only if.

im a bit stuck

is there a list of openwrt compatible usb 3g and 4g dongle? or are they all compatible?

like :

not really, search the forum, if you find one you're interested in.

I'd stay away from 3g dongles, it's getting shut down, at least in EU.

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