[Project Announcement] CTParental port

Hello Everyone,

Some time ago in a linux magazine that I was reading, I read an article about parental control in home networks called CTParental. (Screenshots in French, but English translation is available.
I know there are a lot of loose/scattered tools, also in OpenWRT which can achieve what CTParental does, but the fact that CTParental bundles all these loose tools and provides it with one frontend to get a fully manageable parental filtering solution in linux.
I use this on my home computer at the moment, and I quite like the ease of use of this frontend, but would like to scale up to my complete home network using OpenWRT for running this piece of software.
I know that it's a web interface already, so it may be possible too run it in OpenWRT using it's own interface, but I would like to make an official Luci interface for it.
I am allowed to use the scripts which are the heart of CTParentals control functions, this I have asked the developers already.
Now my question before starting this adventure is, if there are more people interested in this project?
If yes and you have some experience with OpenWRT application porting, maybe you even would like to join forces to get the luci-frontend up and running.

Greetings Jasper


I am still looking to a good solution of transparent parental control filtering inside my router box ! :+1:

hi here
i use complex FW rules for enabling a kind of parental control.
would be interested to contribute with testing and checking stuff.
greetings pascal