I have configured an openwrt device as AP for a LAN so no cable in WAN port. All seems to works, wireless client can authenticate and connect to the SSID configured. Yes all clients works as expected but the router doesn't, the router can't solve ip addresses from server names, the namserver passed by dhcp server is not used.
There is a way the router is using nameservers passed by the LAN dhcpd?
If you actually use openwrt with dnsmasq in the actual router this usually work by itself.
But the world ain’t perfect and my experience is that you in practice must wait up to the 12h default lease time every client have so they ask for a renew of their leases before all dns names work properly.
All the client connected to the AP receive his IP (and nameservers, gateway etc...) from the LAN dhcpd and all works, client can resolve names, can browse the LAN and can browse the internet. But when the AP receives his IP, nameservers etc. from the dhcpd, the AP get and set the ip but doesn't seems to use nameservers and resolve the name locally.
When you say main router do you mean the server that host the dhcpd? Remember that all the LAN clients that receives the ip from the dhcpd can resolve names using the nameserver received from the dhcp.