Hello everyone,
i am a little frustrated at this point and would really appreciate if someone could help me getting at least one of the devices running in any way.
I have a MF287+ on wich I wanted to install openWrt on.
I followed the instructions and everything seemed to be ok, but I think I made the mistake to use the upgrade file instead of the install file (as the guideline says .bin file, the install file is .itb instead).
Also I did not manage to get the backup of the original system (was my fault, I used the macOS tftp server wrong).
After flashing, the router did not response to anything anymore, after powering on the blue lights on top flash up for a second, after several seconds it comes up in red and nothing more happened.
As there was no ethernet connection possible to the device, I soldered the uart interface where I managed to get a serial connection, but as it was already late I think I messed this one up (I managed to again flash something but used the same file, don't know what exactly happened but since then I can't connect to the router with serial interface anymore).
So I decided to get a pro model, as someone near me sold it for a view bucks.
I tried it again on the pro, this time managed to get a backup of the orininal software (the ubi0_0 and ubi0_1 files) and flashed the pro related install file, ending with .itb instead of .bin.
After deleting the partition and flashing the firmware, I made a reboot and.... again the same situation.
No connection, just the red light, no dhcp server, no access to anything by ethernet.
Here is the link I followed the instructions of (I did flash to mtd17 and doublechecked before doing so):
And here I took the firmware file from:
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong and if I can get this fixed again?
At least the pro, I think serial connection should still kind of work (if it is the same issue as the + has).
Thank you a lot and have a nice day!