Thanks alot for that.
i think its not running which is weird.
When i do logread -e Tor; netstat -l -n -p | grep -e tor nothing shows.
pgrep -f -a tor also shows nothing.
grep -v -r -e "^#" -e "^$" /etc/tor
that shows this :
/etc/tor/torrc:Log notice syslog
/etc/tor/torrc:DataDirectory /var/lib/tor
/etc/tor/torrc:User tor
/etc/tor/main:AutomapHostsOnResolve 1
/etc/tor/main:VirtualAddrNetworkIPv6 fc00::/7
/etc/tor/main:DNSPort [::]:9053
/etc/tor/main:TransPort [::]:9040
also bit new to openwrt i see the browser/luci gui has a processes tab tor is running there.
Ok rebooted just to be sure confirmed tor is running under the processes tab in the gui and it is.
it just keeps denying any connections.
sed -i -e "
\$a SOCKSPort
\$a SOCKSPort [::]:9050
" /etc/tor/main
/etc/init.d/tor restart
Ok did that some progress firefox confirms tor is atleast accepting connections and showing pages so tor isnt the issue. So the only other one that has to be the problem now is firewall portforwards http sites work but anything https does not work. Thanks again for all the help it is much appreciated.
To my understanding this should be transparent (like wifi over tor is that the forum helped me setup) and forward everything http https to privoxy and privoxy throws it finally to tor but somehow its only http that works.
Edit2: Ok if i use firefox and privoxy as a proxy it refuses it so it may just be privoxy not the portforwardings i have this is what i have as listen :
this looks fine to me but im doubting everything now if i use that address as a proxy it gets refused if i use tor alone as socks5 proxy it works so tor isnt the problem.
So if i use firefox and set privoxy as the proxy i get refusing connections nothing shows in the privoxy log either not sure what happened but this seems it should of worked devices showed up in the logs before.
edit 3: ok restarted privoxy the above now works firefox using privoxy as proxy finally that atleast works
hopefully i can get the rest working to as it should thanks again for all the help ill keep this updated.
edit4: Ok so as it stands now the problem has to be the portforwarding i got privoxy and tor work as confirmed by using a browser but now trying to get it to work transparent the devices dont show up in the privoxy log and no internet. So if anyone knows what i need to put in portforwarding so all traffic transparently moves to privoxy that would solve this problem i bet.
I think i finally found why its not working, i found this on the privoxy page "Note that intercepting encrypted connections (HTTPS) isn't supported."
Thanks again for all the help given much appreciated. If there is a way around this id like to know and try it but i dont think with what i want its possible but maybe im wrong.
Oh nice i hope it gets added was wondering a few days now why i had some successes every now and then but if i did it was just http traffic, i still have the privoxy and settings set to go but disabled ill wait maybe in the future i can give it a shot when they add your patch.
Would it be possible you post your package and i can install it? im guessing might be a long shot due to probably different architechture of the cpus.
What is the correct ./configure with flags to compile privoxy with support for https inspection?
It's not working for me so far.