The amount of space used by such a file is negligible even for OpenWrt, especially because it is in the squashfs (compressed/readonly) partition.
If you want to make a PR I think you should hook this up to the Hotplug system, OpenWrt has consolidated all events to call user-created or package-added scripts from there[]=hotplug
Afaik it has a folder for dhcp-related events already, but it was working only with ipv4. I think that dnsmasq has a similar setup where every change the dnsmasq binary calls a special script, and in that file in OpenWrt there is the hook to call the stuff in Hotplug folders, so you can use that as a base
This should be the file called by dnsmasq to trigger hotplug scripts
Here is the old thread where we discussed this in the past Udhcpc.user script documentation and how to hotplug for DHCP events - #10 by bobafetthotmail