Please help with PROCD instance

I've looked at the igmpproxy init script and came up with the following, but the firewall redirect doesn't seem to be added (I'm checking with iptables-save | grep PROCD).

procd_set_param command /usr/sbin/uhttpd -f -h /www_fakeinternet -r fakeinternet -x /cgi-bin -t 60 -T 30 -k 20 -A 1 -E /cgi-bin/error.cgi -n 3 -N 100 -R -p -p [::]:65530 -i .cgi=/bin/ash
procd_set_param respawn ${respawn_threshold:-3600} ${respawn_timeout:-5} ${respawn_retry:-5}
procd_set_param stdout 1
procd_set_param stderr 1
json_add_array firewall
json_add_object ""
json_add_string type redirect
json_add_string target 'DNAT'
json_add_string src 'lan'
json_add_string proto 'tcp'
json_add_string src_dport '80'
json_add_string src_dip '!'
json_add_string dest_ip ''
json_add_string dest_port '65530'
json_add_string name 'PROCD_rule'
json_add_string reflection '0'

The uhttpd instance starts, but I'm guessing I'm declaring/describing the firewall array incorrectly. Any help would be appreciated.

Anyone? Pretty please?

try asking in the mailing list too.

Last try before I look into posting to the list.

Whoa... a year old already? Sorry so much that this got overlooked...

Can you provide the output of ubus call service list ?

If you are referring to the ACCEPT UDP to destination, you have to add it.

@jow, thank you for your prompt reply!

It's been a while since I've tested this, so just tried again and apparently that PROCD firewall redirect definition works (and results in a zone_lan_prerouting rule). However I then edited the init script and added 3 more redirects in a similar fashion and stopped/started the service, however only the first rule would come up in the iptables-save | grep fake while ubus call service list had all 4 rules listed there. Was only helped by the reboot -- upon boot all 4 rules were found with iptables-save | grep fake. What's more troubling, after I stopped the service, same rules stayed:

root:~# /etc/init.d/fakeinternet start
root:~# iptables-save | grep fake
-A zone_lan_prerouting ! -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m comment --comment "!fw3: ubus:fakeinternet[instance1] redirect 0" -j DNAT --to-destination
-A zone_lan_prerouting ! -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -m comment --comment "!fw3: ubus:fakeinternet[instance1] redirect 1" -j DNAT --to-destination
-A zone_lan_prerouting -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m comment --comment "!fw3: ubus:fakeinternet[instance1] redirect 2" -j DNAT --to-destination
-A zone_lan_prerouting -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -m comment --comment "!fw3: ubus:fakeinternet[instance1] redirect 3" -j DNAT --to-destination
root:~# /etc/init.d/fakeinternet stop
root:~# iptables-save | grep fake
-A zone_lan_prerouting ! -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m comment --comment "!fw3: ubus:fakeinternet[instance1] redirect 0" -j DNAT --to-destination
-A zone_lan_prerouting ! -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -m comment --comment "!fw3: ubus:fakeinternet[instance1] redirect 1" -j DNAT --to-destination
-A zone_lan_prerouting -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m comment --comment "!fw3: ubus:fakeinternet[instance1] redirect 2" -j DNAT --to-destination
-A zone_lan_prerouting -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -m comment --comment "!fw3: ubus:fakeinternet[instance1] redirect 3" -j DNAT --to-destination

I thought that PROCD will take care of removing these for me upon service stop -- isn't it how it's supposed to work?

Uhm, after firewall restart, everything is in order. How can I automatically restart firewall when my service is started/stopped? I assume it has to do with ucitrack? Should I do something like this there?

config fakeinternet
	option init 'fakeinternet'
	list affects 'firewall'

Finally, how do I convert these to the firewall-syntax rules?

iptables -A forwarding_rule -d $wwwIP -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
iptables -A forwarding_rule -d $wwwIP -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-unreachable
iptables -A output_rule -d $wwwIP -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
iptables -A output_rule -d $wwwIP -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-unreachable

PS. Just tried those ucitrack entries and they do not help. How can I get firewall to be reloaded automatically on my service start/stop?

Should I just invoke /etc/init.d/firewall reload within service_start and service_stop?

While looking at the sources, I saw this:

service_started() {
	procd_set_config_changed firewall

Hopefully that would address my issue with reloading firewall. @jow, I'd still appreciate help converting iptables REJECT rules above to the firewall-compatible entries.