Please add explicit warning!

Please add an explicit warning to this page, to let prospective purchasers know that if they buy it, and install OpenWRT, they will get non working WiFi, and will be instantly chastised by forum babies if they ask for help.

All the other routers I didn't buy had this explicit warning, why not this one?!?!

Sack of knobs!

It literally has a warning about WiFi right at the top of the page.

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What to add to two existing warnings? Or you want them dangerously re-formatted akin open mains prongs warnings?

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The warning is indeed at the top of the page in a box with a huge exclamation point.

Nothing else needs to be done. Closing this thread.

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I guess the warning should say that not heeding them might result in awkward situations on the forum? :wink:

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