Pigpio rpi make install "make: install: No such file or directory"

i'm trying to install pigpio library on a Raspberry pi 3B with OpenWrt.

these are the installation steps from the library website:

wget https://github.com/joan2937/pigpio/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd pigpio-master
sudo make install

everything compiled just fine, but i can't make install

root@OpenWrt:~/pigpio-master# make install
install -m 0755 -d                             /opt/pigpio/cgi
make: install: No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:90: install] Error 127

i noticed there's no /opt directory in my root directory, so i created one but still same error

here Makefile :

# Set CROSS_PREFIX to prepend to all compiler tools at once for easier
# cross-compilation.
CC           = $(CROSS_PREFIX)gcc
AR           = $(CROSS_PREFIX)ar
RANLIB       = $(CROSS_PREFIX)ranlib
SIZE         = $(CROSS_PREFIX)size
STRIP        = $(CROSS_PREFIX)strip
SHLIB        = $(CC) -shared
STRIPLIB     = $(STRIP) --strip-unneeded


CFLAGS  += -O3 -Wall -pthread

LIB1     = libpigpio.so
OBJ1     = pigpio.o command.o

LIB2     = libpigpiod_if.so
OBJ2     = pigpiod_if.o command.o

LIB3     = libpigpiod_if2.so
OBJ3     = pigpiod_if2.o command.o

LIB      = $(LIB1) $(LIB2) $(LIB3)

ALL     = $(LIB) x_pigpio x_pigpiod_if x_pigpiod_if2 pig2vcd pigpiod pigs

LL1      = -L. -lpigpio -pthread -lrt

LL2      = -L. -lpigpiod_if -pthread -lrt

LL3      = -L. -lpigpiod_if2 -pthread -lrt

prefix = /usr/local
exec_prefix = $(prefix)
bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
includedir = $(prefix)/include
libdir = $(prefix)/lib
mandir = $(prefix)/man

all:    $(ALL)

lib:    $(LIB)

pigpio.o: pigpio.c pigpio.h command.h custom.cext
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fpic -c -o pigpio.o pigpio.c

pigpiod_if.o: pigpiod_if.c pigpio.h command.h pigpiod_if.h
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fpic -c -o pigpiod_if.o pigpiod_if.c

pigpiod_if2.o: pigpiod_if2.c pigpio.h command.h pigpiod_if2.h
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fpic -c -o pigpiod_if2.o pigpiod_if2.c

command.o: command.c pigpio.h command.h
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fpic -c -o command.o command.c

x_pigpio:       x_pigpio.o $(LIB1)
        $(CC) -o x_pigpio x_pigpio.o $(LL1)

x_pigpiod_if:   x_pigpiod_if.o $(LIB2)
        $(CC) -o x_pigpiod_if x_pigpiod_if.o $(LL2)

x_pigpiod_if2:  x_pigpiod_if2.o $(LIB3)
        $(CC) -o x_pigpiod_if2 x_pigpiod_if2.o $(LL3)

pigpiod:        pigpiod.o $(LIB1)
        $(CC) -o pigpiod pigpiod.o $(LL1)
        $(STRIP) pigpiod

pigs:           pigs.o command.o
        $(CC) -o pigs pigs.o command.o
        $(STRIP) pigs

pig2vcd:        pig2vcd.o
        $(CC) -o pig2vcd pig2vcd.o
        $(STRIP) pig2vcd

        rm -f *.o *.i *.s *~ $(ALL) *.so.$(SOVERSION)

ifeq ($(DESTDIR),)

install:        $(ALL)
        install -m 0755 -d                             $(DESTDIR)/opt/pigpio/cgi
        install -m 0755 -d                             $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)
        install -m 0644 pigpio.h                       $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)
        install -m 0644 pigpiod_if.h                   $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)
        install -m 0644 pigpiod_if2.h                  $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)
        install -m 0755 -d                             $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
        install -m 0755 libpigpio.so.$(SOVERSION)      $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
        install -m 0755 libpigpiod_if.so.$(SOVERSION)  $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
        install -m 0755 libpigpiod_if2.so.$(SOVERSION) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
        cd $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) && ln -fs libpigpio.so.$(SOVERSION)      libpigpio.so
        cd $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) && ln -fs libpigpiod_if.so.$(SOVERSION)  libpigpiod_if.so
        cd $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) && ln -fs libpigpiod_if2.so.$(SOVERSION) libpigpiod_if2.so
        install -m 0755 -d                             $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
        install -m 0755 pig2vcd                        $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
        install -m 0755 pigpiod                        $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
        install -m 0755 pigs                           $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
        if which python2; then python2 setup.py install $(PYINSTALLARGS); fi
        if which python3; then python3 setup.py install $(PYINSTALLARGS); fi
        install -m 0755 -d                             $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
        install -m 0644 p*.1                           $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
        install -m 0755 -d                             $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man3
        install -m 0644 p*.3                           $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man3
ifeq ($(DESTDIR),)

        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/pigpio.h
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/pigpiod_if.h
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/pigpiod_if2.h
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpigpio.so
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpigpiod_if.so
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpigpiod_if2.so
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpigpio.so.$(SOVERSION)
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpigpiod_if.so.$(SOVERSION)
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpigpiod_if2.so.$(SOVERSION)
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pig2vcd
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pigpiod
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pigs
        if which python2; then python2 setup.py install $(PYINSTALLARGS) --record /tmp/pigpio >/dev/null; sed 's!^!$(DESTDIR)!' < /tmp/pigpio | xargs rm -f >/dev/null; fi
        if which python3; then python3 setup.py install $(PYINSTALLARGS) --record /tmp/pigpio >/dev/null; sed 's!^!$(DESTDIR)!' < /tmp/pigpio | xargs rm -f >/dev/null; fi
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/pig*.1
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/libpigpio*.1
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man3/pig*.3
ifeq ($(DESTDIR),)

$(LIB1):        $(OBJ1)
        $(SHLIB) -pthread -Wl,-soname,$(LIB1).$(SOVERSION) -o $(LIB1).$(SOVERSION) $(OBJ1)
        ln -fs $(LIB1).$(SOVERSION) $(LIB1)
        $(STRIPLIB) $(LIB1)
        $(SIZE)     $(LIB1)

$(LIB2):        $(OBJ2)
        $(SHLIB) -pthread -Wl,-soname,$(LIB2).$(SOVERSION) -o $(LIB2).$(SOVERSION) $(OBJ2)
        ln -fs $(LIB2).$(SOVERSION) $(LIB2)
        $(STRIPLIB) $(LIB2)
        $(SIZE)     $(LIB2)

$(LIB3):        $(OBJ3)
        $(SHLIB) -pthread -Wl,-soname,$(LIB3).$(SOVERSION) -o $(LIB3).$(SOVERSION) $(OBJ3)
        ln -fs $(LIB3).$(SOVERSION) $(LIB3)
        $(STRIPLIB) $(LIB3)
        $(SIZE)     $(LIB3)

# generated using gcc -MM *.c

pig2vcd.o: pig2vcd.c pigpio.h
pigpiod.o: pigpiod.c pigpio.h
pigs.o: pigs.c pigpio.h command.h pigs.h
x_pigpio.o: x_pigpio.c pigpio.h
x_pigpiod_if.o: x_pigpiod_if.c pigpiod_if.h pigpio.h
x_pigpiod_if2.o: x_pigpiod_if2.c pigpiod_if2.h pigpio.h

anyone can help please :slight_smile:

My two cents:

  • You are not supposed to build anything on the device, but cross-compile it on your computer, then install it in the device.
  • It's failing because it needs a tool called "install" (that copies the files to the correct location).

thanks for reply
actually your second cent helped solving the issue and installing this package coreutils-install fixed the problem
but now other tool is missing
make: ldconfig: No such file or directory
when try to install ldconfig using opkg it says Unknown package 'ldconfig'. even the package is showing here: https://openwrt.org/packages/pkgdata_owrt18_6/ldconfig

You don't understand, OpenWrt isn't self-hosting, it lacks the means to build itself or anything else (more complicated than hello_world.c) to compile from source. Yes, you might have installed /usr/bin/install, but everything else necessary still isn't packaged for the target system (and won't be).

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