Passive TAP / HUB and Ethernet Bridge

with my test I get this working without IPv4 :

sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1
sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables=1

root@monitor:~# bridge vlan
port	vlan ids
lan1	 1 PVID Egress Untagged

lan0	 1 PVID Egress Untagged

br-lan	 1 PVID Egress Untagged

root@monitor:~# echo "1"> /sys/class/net/br-lan/bridge/nf_call_iptables
root@monitor:~# cat /sys/class/net/br-lan/bridge/nf_call_iptables 

and then with a VLAN added to one of the bridge device, I get more verbose tcpdump;

root@monitor:~# bridge vlan add vid 100 dev lan0 pvid untagged
root@monitor:~# bridge vlan
port	vlan ids
lan1	 1 PVID Egress Untagged

lan0	 1 Egress Untagged
	 100 PVID Egress Untagged

br-lan	 1 PVID Egress Untagged


May be conntrack is useless on a bridge and I have to get NFLOG instead of NFCT ?