P910nd configuration - not going well


I've been trying to set up a p910nd server, based on this guide. So far I've been unable to print anything and think I need help.

What I have is a Dell 1710 Monochrome Laser Printer, connected by USB to my main router. I have p910nd installed with the luci package.

What I wish to have is a network printer available in both the Trusted (Main) LAN interface, and in the Untrusted (Guest) interface. My first thought is that I would achieve this by making it listen to the "Public IoT" interface in this setup.

The only device I've tried to print with it have been devices running Windows, since I think there are only drivers available for them. Nothing has reached it with my current settings.
The issue that comes up in my head right now is firewall - I was uncertain if, or how I should forward a port, so I didn't. But I'm sure there are many other reasons this might not be working.

perhaps TPlink C7 v2 USB Printer - #4 by bill888 would help ?

Thanks, I'll try to work with this.. however it's not 100% the same scenario. My printer is connected to my main router. Also it seems they are implementing forwarding from outside sources.

Ok! Well, I've gotten the printer to print a test page, but only after making it listen on the lan interface. I think I can be pretty safe in saying that this is a firewall issue, from that.

Unfortunately, I still need to make the printer work on both my lan and guest network. I tried a port forward, simiar to frollic's link, but I couldn't get any results and I have little knowledge about those.

Would anyone know how best I would implement this? p910nd, as far as I can see, can only be set to listen on unspecificied or on a single interface. I suppose making it unspecified would be fine, since by default the firewall will block any traffic on the port from external sources?

If someone who knows what they're doing could assure me, I'd be grateful.

When a service is bound to a particular interface, it isn't available on others. So you don't want to do that. The standard way is to use unspecified and then block unwanted connections with the firewall. Since this is a local service, it is covered by input rules. The default firewall accepts input on lan and rejects it on wan. If you've added a guest network the usual way that blocks input except for DNS and DHCP, add another exception for 9100 TCP.

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