OpenWrt support on rt2600ac (synology) 2021

sure, tnx, in your pm box :slight_smile:

edit: I can get on discord for a chat if you like as well.

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need to check it out only ever tested on stock oem fw version

i'll do some research and likely upgrade mine (or you'd need to downgrade) to sort out what's going on...

this from your command line is pretty standout-ish doesn't exist on mine;


i'd heard they'd changed the 'pat'/factory logic so this adds-up...

edit: turns out I sent you the wrong pat file... just as well given your uboot env was slightly different... serial is exactly what was needed here

I did some research. Downgrading appears not to be possible.

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meh... you were pretty fast with the commands...

manual install is fairly simple(and this way you know how to easily revert or fix stuff)... the pat / factory was just to make it look good...

serial kinda helps alot tho'...

Alright, you've convinced me. Ive disassembled the device and got my FTDI interface at 3.3v. I've found the UART interface at the bottom corner of the device next to the two push buttons.

PIN 1 = Vcc
PIN 6 = RX
What pin is TX?

Edit: I'm suspecting PIN 4 with the weird voltage. Testing...

see above from thread bugger didnt finish it

Ok. I have access indeed using GND = 2, RX = 6, TX = 4 connected.

I can halt on U-boot using ^C and have access to the root prompt as well.
Tell me what to do :smiley:

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ok first you want a 'raw' copy of 'printenv'
for your backup purposes

(pm me this too need to make sure nothing too odd there)

ok looks good... now we make a copy of bootmmc;

setenv bootoem 'mmc rescan;ext2load mmc 0:1 $kload zImage;ext2load mmc 0:1 $rload rd.bin;ext2load mmc 0:1 $dtbload dtb.dtb;bootipq; run bootresc'
setenv bootcmdoem 'run syno_bootargs; run bootmmc'

( run printenv after that to check it was stored correctly )

Looks good indeed. added a bootoem env variable with an exact copy of bootmmc.


we want to create a command that will boot us from usb (for now)... !!! we won't 'saveenv' until this is done and tested...!!!

lemme lookup my notes...

this is only part of it still finding the rest... likely wont be perfect as 3am;

setenv wrtbootarg 'setenv bootargs console=ttyMSM0,115200n8 init=/sbin/init root=/dev/sda2 rootwait'
setenv wrtgo 'usb start; ext2load usb 0:1 $kload kernel; run wrtbootarg; bootm $kload'

next bit is optional while testing... or you can just run 'run wrtgo':

setenv bootcmd 'run wrtgo'

!don't save this!

i will upload the 'kernel' and a rootfs.tar.gz ... you need to make a usb stick with;
-partition1 ext2 (just place kernel here)
-partition2 ext4 (extract rootfs.tar.gz here)

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alright, if it's too late we can continue on a later time :slight_smile:

Do I need to prep an USB key with a specific image on it ?

commands executed:

(IPQ) # setenv wrtgo 'usb start; ext2load usb 0:1 $kload $wrtkernelusb; run wrtbootarg; bootm $kload'
(IPQ) # printenv
Unknown command 'printenv' - try 'help'
(IPQ) # setenv wrtbootarg 'setenv bootargs console=ttyMSM0,115200n8 init=/sbin/init root=/dev/sda2 rootwait'
(IPQ) # bootcmd=run wrtgo
Unknown command 'bootcmd=run' - try 'help'
(IPQ) # setenv bootcmd 'run wrtgo'
(IPQ) #

kernel and rootfs.tar.gz

hmmmm wonder why printenv does not work... did I forget the command.... maybe use 'help' to check...

changed that bit... re-entering again is ok... we are not saving so...

My mistake, I tried the arrow up key as I'm used to SSH :wink: and it got inserted into the serial console command :slight_smile:
I'm prepping a usb key onto my debian box now, but I have to be honest I've never done this before from commandline. How do you prep the usbkey from commandline so it boots? :blush:

sda                     8:0    1  14.9G  0 disk
├─sda1                  8:1    1   300M  0 part
└─sda2                  8:2    1   900M  0 part
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your second partition is too small (3Mb) make the first one 300M or something... (i see your not root above... most of the commands below will need sudo then if you need them)


fdisk /dev/sdX



mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdX1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX2

mkdir $HOME/p1; mount /dev/sdX1 $HOME/p1
mkdir $HOME/p2; mount /dev/sdX2 $HOME/p2

cp kernel $HOME/p1/
cp rootfs.tar.gz $HOME/p2/; (cd $HOME/p2; tar -xvzf rootfs.tar.gz)

umount $HOME/p1
umount $HOME/p2

(p.s. i have automated scripts for all this stuff... but it's good to learn at least for the first time)

You missed some enters and sometimes a partition number but lol, that's impressive just by heart :smiley:

**:~/p1# ls -l
total 4125
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4194304 Jul  5 22:20 kernel
drwx------ 2 root root   12288 Jul  5 22:18 lost+found

***:~/p2# ls -l
total 30256
drwxr-xr-x  7 root root    12288 Aug 29  2020 bin
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 dev
drwxr-xr-x 32 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 etc
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 files
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root       78 Aug 29  2020 init
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 lib
drwx------  2 root root    16384 Jul  5 22:19 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 mnt
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 overlay
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 proc
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 rom
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 root
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 30886363 Jul  5 22:20 rootfs.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 sbin
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 sys
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      340 Aug 29  2020 systeminfo.compile.txt
drwxrwxrwt  2 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 tmp
drwxr-xr-x  7 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 usr
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root        3 Aug 29  2020 var -> tmp
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root     4096 Aug 29  2020 www
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blkid | grep sdX

need to see filesystem type

looks good...

Ok, stupid question, front blue or back USB port on the RT2600AC ? :smiley:

good question... the rear one... blue one is a bit odd...(for booting)

Ok it's in, how do I boot it?