OpenWrt support for Xiaomi AX3000T

If there is interest you can try this bootloader with the firmware version (OpenWrt U-Boot layout).
It works right now on the exact same router. I was unable to load the firmware from the web interface of this flasher, but following the instructions from WIKI, flashing it instead of the currently non-working U-Boot OpenWrt, everything works great. Perhaps with it your flash memory will not die.
Good luck!

If it is broken, that's the last we've heard of @Gizmodo1

Everything is good ) Sing-box working well

24.10.0 was released unofficially?
Is it just that RC8 was not finished?
They promised to release an official (OpenWrt U-Boot layout) for all models of this router with the release of 24.10.0!
This is the official website of the OpenWrt project, right?
Then why don't you support your bootloader?
Why doesn't McDonald's offer its products in KFC packaging and vice versa?
In my IMHO, your own brand should be promoted, not someone else's, as is happening now.

Who are "they"? And where and what exactly was promised to whom? :slightly_smiling_face:

Sounds like despair from unfulfilled expectations due to not merged U-Boot Mod v2025.01


This is not despair but a statement of fact. What is bothering you so much that you are so involved?
There are no questions for you at all.
This inscription appeared before RC7, but as usual it was misunderstood.
So here is a question for those who solve the problem and do not act as arbitrators.

If you're interested, only the problem with the LEDs is officially recognized.
But shouldn't this affect the firmware?
Or do you have your own opinion on this?

The reason is paranoia. I don't trust any custom projects unless they come from the OpenWrt team.

Known issues

    LEDs handling for Airoha AN8855 is currently not supported. Xiaomi AX3000T with Airoha Switch mounted will have Switch LEDs powered OFF. (problem will be addressed in later OpenWrt SNAPSHOT and later Openwrt 24.10 minor release)
    5GHz Wifi on TP-Link Archer C60 v1, TP-Link Archer C6 v2 and probably more devices with ath10k Wifi chip does not work, see
    Ethernet link unstable on some mt7530 switches. Deactivate EEE (Energy-Efficient Ethernet) as a workaround, see:
    ath10k-ct driver shows a kernel warning `WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 1695 at backports-6.9.9/net/mac80211/main.c:270 ieee80211_do_open+0x4e8/0x5e0 [mac80211]` at startup. The warning is harmless and can be ignored, see

And yes.
There are custom versions of U-Boot that work with all types of flash memory and official firmware, but the question is specifically about the official versions of U-Boot bootloaders.

I respect you very much, but I don't want to repeat myself, but that's how it is...
OFFICIAL FIRMWARE openWrt (OpenWrt U-Boot layout) DO NOT WORK at the moment with OFFICIAL (OpenWrt U-Boot layout) bootloaders on ForeSee memory.

You are correct. If you really want to have OpenWrt U-Boot layout with Foresee support, you can do your own builds (since you said you do not rely on 3rd party images, which I agree 100%). In high level:

  1. Create a github account
  2. Fork official OpenWrt repository
  3. Merge the Foresee Pull Request into your repository
  4. Setup your OpenWrt build environment
  5. Do your build and be happy

OR you can patiently wait for the PR to be merged into the official repository and wait for the next official build.


As I wrote, I am waiting and will wait, because I want to use the official versions.
But there was a promise and I want to get it faster.
This is just a reminder.
I understand that this is a free project and no one owes me anything, but if you have tamed me to this, then maybe you owe me?)))...
That is the question and what will be the answer?)))...

I let this story go. I flashed the factory firmware with another device BL2 and FIP image and I can say it's working with the stock firmware. When I try to change to OpenWrt, the initrams-factory still works, but it completely crashes with the sysupgrade file.

I decided not to throw it away, so maybe it will work in this setup in a less frequented place.

I lost all data from this device but I have full backups from 2 other devices with same hardver (MT7981, AN8855, Foresee NAND). How can I restore the Factory.bin and Bdata.bin files? I tried with the UBoot bootloader ( image loaded to 0x46000000 then with 'mtd write.raw factory 0x46000000 0 0x200000') but the stock firmware not see the MAC address and Serial Number. I don't know is it cause a problem.

When I bricked the bootloader of a RD23 unit, i recovered the device by flashing these while running initramfs .

mtd write /tmp/BL2.bin BL2 mtd write /tmp/FIP.bin FIP mtd write /tmp/Nvram.bin Nvram mtd write /tmp/Bdata.bin Bdata mtd write /tmp/Factory.bin Factory

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You can take Factory.bin from any other router.
MAC addresses are stored in Bdata and Nvram (not that important).
Without Factory.bin, WiFi won't work at all, but as I mentioned, you can take it from another router.

If you used xmir-patcher for flashing, you can find backups of Nvram, Bdata, etc., in the outdir directory.

Alternatively, you can manually edit the Nvram and Bdata dump from another router by specifying your own MAC address and serial number. However, this method requires adding a CRC signature at the beginning of the dump for the changes to take effect.

As a last resort, you can flash Nvram and Bdata from another (not your) router to avoid having multiple devices with the same MAC address on your network.


This day has come! The support for Foresee in U-Boot has finally been merged.
So, the wiki page will need an update soon :blush:


Take any bdata & factory partitions.
For factory - replace mac with help hex/bin editor (if you like).
And in OpewWrt, with help fw_saveenv utility replace mac variables in bdata.
And with help mtd utility replace edited factory.

See the links below for details:

and for wifi:

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Well, I'm very glad that 24.10 is stable now! :slight_smile:

I tried to install it with U-Boot now since I really wanted the "full experience" of OpenWrt. Unfortunately I was not able to install it for whatever reason. It would simply bootloop.

Here's my devices specs to refresh:

  • RD23.
  • Winbond NAND.
  • No AN8855 switch.
  • 1.0.49 (INT) stock firmware.

Since I already had 24.10-rc7 installed, I went ahead and reinstalled the stock firmware to begin the process. Everything went alright. Downloaded all the necessary files and ready to go.

I used the XMiR-Patcher since it makes the process to get SSH much easier. No problems so far.

Installed openwrt-24.10.0-mediatek-filogic-xiaomi_mi-router-ax3000t-ubootmod-initramfs-factory.ubi using option 7 on the patcher; reboots normally and I then install openwrt-24.10.0-mediatek-filogic-xiaomi_mi-router-ax3000t-ubootmod-squashfs-sysupgrade.itb through LuCI and here's were the problem happens. From here, the router reboots and won't boot anymore.I have to restore it using TFTP.

I tried again, but manually this time—no patcher—and the problems happens in the exact same place, while installing sysupgrade.

I really don't know what I'm missing. Anyways, I installed the regular version of 24.10 and it runs like a charm. I read a few posts above that the reboot after 6 times issue has been fixed with this release, so I guess I'll stay with this for the moment. Too bad I wasn't able to install U-Boot.

Why? Who forbids doing this?

Yeah, it's because all known hardware variants of AX3000T are supported in regular 24.10.0.

You missed the warning in the Wiki about limited custom bootloader support (OpenWrt U-Boot):

Also, a few posts above, it was announced that OpenWrt U-Boot support for AN8855 and Foresee has finally been merged. Starting tomorrow, you can try the Snapshot, as all hardware will be supported with this custom bootloader as well. (Maybe it might also be included in the future version 24.10.1, though.)

My bad, I overlooked that your hardware should be supported by OpenWrt U-Boot in 24.10.0.

Haha. Yeah, I guess the more correct way to say it is "I was incapable" Sorry. English is not my first language.

Yeah, that's what I find strange. The device should be compatible, but it won't work. My guess is that I'm doing something wrong on my end. Maybe missing a step or something.

Should I install both initramfs and sysupgrade first to have OpenWrt installed, then try to install the bootloader, or do I need to do it before? Thank you.

That's right. First, you install regular OpenWrt, after which you can replace it with U-boot mod.

Snapshot r28797 and onward are built with the awaited u-boot updates. Typical users will likely want to grab the u-boot artifacts (FIP, preloader) but use the 24.10 OpenWrt U-Boot layout system images.