OpenWrt support for Xiaomi AX3000T

Right, but I believe the above commit from @nbd168 applies only to mt7915. AX3000T has a different WiFi chipset (mt7981 as it shows up in the WiFi configuration). So it is likely (but I am not sure) the patch needs to be ported from mt7915 to mt7981 (and also to mt7986/Redmi AX6000 which also has this issue).

BTW, I have confirmed that manually removing 160MHz executing the command below (as suggested by @anon14195144 here) does solve the issue also for AX3000T:

sed -i '/SHORT-GI-160/d;/vht160_hw/d;/$vht160/d;/# supported/d' /lib/netifd/wireless/

AX3000T SNAPSHOT r24769-96580500d2 - Default config (with 160Mhz enabled):

AX3000T SNAPSHOT r24769-96580500d2 - With 160Mhz disabled by above command:

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