OpenWrt support for Wavlink Quantum Dax

I would like to install openwrt in my wavlink Quantum Dax

Is It posible?

I can dismantle it, take photos, test it, etc.

I don't know if there is any set procedure to install openwrt through the wavlink firmware or other way

I would like your help friends

Helo please

It's possible, it's basically the phicomm k3 A1.

You will need to dismantle and install via serial and tftp server.

I'll do. Thanks

I am very clear about the procedure but I don't know which firmware file I have to download to upload to my wavlink quantum dax.

I would like to be able to update it to openwrt and upload pictures of the whole process but I don't know which file to download and from where.

I would appreciate that help. Best regards and thanks

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The Quantum Dax is the Phicomm k3 A1 in all but name.

You require a tftp server, serial connection and This .TRX file

If you interrupt the Dax booting, it appears at, so set your tftp server to a 192.168.2.x address.

Rename openwrt-22.03.3-bcm53xx-generic-phicomm_k3-squashfs.trx to openwrt.trx for simplicity.

With a network cable between tftp server and Dax issue

cd /tmp
tftp -g -r openwrt.trx
cat openwrt.trx > /dev/mtdblock6 && reboot
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Hello, mine works very good with ethernet, but the wifi works but not very good.

Have you test it?

Hola Luis,

Esta unidad con el software de wavlink va mal. Ni wifi ni ethernet y la verdad es que no lo entiendo.

Le instalé todas las versiones que he encontrado de wavlink pero nada bb pues con todas funciona igual de mal.

Tengo dos unidades de este modelo y me gustarĂ­a instalarle openwrt para probarlo pero si te digo la verdad no he tenido tiempo pues he estado muy liado.

Ya comenté de abrirlo y empezar a realizar ese trabajo, sacarle fotos, etc etc pero de momento nada.

El amigo hecatae fue muy amable y me facilitĂł el firmware que hay que subirle pero ya comento que no he podido, principalmente por falta de tiempo y por no haber montado mi laboratorio dedicado a estas cosas.

A ver si en estas semanas me centro un poco y saco algĂșn provecho de esos routers porque la verdad es que lo necesito para mejorar el wifi de casa

Hello Luis,

This unit with the wavlink software is going wrong. Neither wifi nor ethernet and the truth is that I don't understand it.

I installed all the versions of wavlink that I have found but nothing because with all of them it works just as bad.

I have two units of this model and I would like to install openwrt to test it but to tell you the truth I have not had time because I have been very busy.

I already mentioned to open it and start to do that work, take pictures, etc etc but so far nothing.

My friend hecatae was very kind and gave me the firmware to upload but I have not been able to do it, mainly because of lack of time and because I haven't set up my lab dedicated to these things.

Let's see if in these weeks I focus a bit and get some benefit from these routers because the truth is that I need it to improve the wifi at home.