OpenWrt Support for Armor G5 (NBG7815)

afaik, that's correct. You need to run @asvio 's build to have fan support

SoC's are throttling themselves down when overheated

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Yes, @asvio repo is specifically tuned for zyxel and works very well. It contains drivers for leds, fan etc.

When it comes to fan kicking in. If you use 160mhz on your WiFi, fan will be kicking in quite frequently, but only if the device is laying flat (default). After I hung mine on a wall, fan is yet to switch on. Thermal design is not great and router gets quite hot at the bottom, so if you mount it vertically, hot air has a better escape route through vent holes without need for a fan.


Wow, I'm not alone :slight_smile: OpenWrt Support for Armor G5 (NBG7815) - #1085 by bahtsiz_bedevi

Yeah, I'm using this mount for a few months now and this beast is cool as ice :grinning:

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That's really good to know, thanks. Is the NSS build like the official build (2x 80 MHz radios)? I'm asking because I actually quite like to be able to split the radios like this, there are barely any devices that are able to use 160 MHz anyway.

It used to be like that, 2x80mhz, 2 separate 5ghz radios with nss, led and fan support.

It has been patched though, and now there is a single 160mhz capable 5ghz radio.

I am sure you could revert to old ways by replacing board2.bin file on the router, but I haven't tried it this way - as a matter of fact I was quite a vocal 160mhz support advocate for zyxel :grinning: (and replacing board2.bin file to achieve it in a first place).

Hopefully some Devs could point you in the right direction to revert the patch (if it's possible in the first place).

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!


Which interface in NBG7815 should be chosen in SQM settings?
If I choose wan, internet stops working. If I choose miireg, internet works.
Is miireg the right interface?

My current settings here below

I actually set myself SQM only recently as well, and had some issues with internet not working. I am running pppoe with vlan tag, and couldn't get it to work.

What I have done was to simply set it fq_codel and nss-zk, applied 90-95% on both up and down, and set it on wan interface. After applying settings, I then enabled the service and it started working like a charm. And I am sure I was doing all this before and my internet went off... Looks like SQM can be a bit temperamental.

Change from cake to codel and try this steps in order I made it to work.

EDIT: make sure you have qca igs and qdisc kernel modules in your build.

EDIT 2: I also noticed that applying SQM may trigger lots of reloads of modules and interfaces - that's where I noticed loss of connectivity as well. If you'd have similar issue, give router a couple of minutes and you should be able to access it again.

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Which interface have you chosen?

PS: for the record

refers to kmod-qca-nss-drv-igs and kmod-qca-nss-drv-qdisc packages

I chose wan interface and it started working in the end.

When I tried SQM for the first time some time ago using wan interface caused no internet, just like you.

I have no idea what changed between these 2 tries!

In my previous reply to you, I listed exact steps I have done on my 2nd attempt, which got SQM to work for me.

Okay, this fixes the problem.

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This is my config for sqm

For the "Interface name" use the name of the port linked to wan Interface. If you are using the wan port you have to selec that one.
My wan connection is below 1g. I connect lan1 port to the wan Interface to use the 2.5gb for my workstation. In my case the "Interface name" to selec for sqm is lan1.

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My problem was that I was using cake, instead of fq_codel

If you still want 2x80mhz you can try this:

If you want to compiled your own firmware there are a pair of branches with 2x80mhz

@linchpin81 To remove 1x160Mhz support from my nss repository it is needed to revert-remove two patches:

  1. qualcommax: nbg7815: extract only 2 mac for wifi
  2. firmware: ipq-wifi: support 160mhz on ZyXEL NBG7815

As you've said, it can also be done replacing board-2.bin with openwrt original firmware but due to the first patch mention above the second 5g radio will have ramdon BSSID on every reboot, nothing important If a fixed MAC is configured in the WLAN parameters.


Amazing, thank you! I just ran a quick test, the build seems to work as expected but it appears that OpenWRT 24.10 has somehow broken my DAWN configuration, which I use for client steering across my APs. That probably has nothing to do with your build though, so I'll have to look into that myself.

Is there any performance difference in between 2x80 and 1x160?

If you use 80mhz client it should not

I encounter this problem with your latest 24.10.0 80Mhz build. I can't use the channel 100 with the same errors as you.
I try to understand how to configure 80+80Mhz but I give up. I've tried to configure the two IPQ with the same SSID with non contiguous channels (100 for the first and 36 for the second) but all I have is my devices going from one to another with packet loss. How to say the two IPQ to work together ?
Definitely not understand how to do, if you can share a tip ^^
Staying for the moment with just 1 IPQ configured on channel 36 at 80 Mhz ... :frowning:

The problem also exists on channel 36, but since there are only 4 DFS channels in this case (52-56-60-64), the 5G radio switches to 80MHz mode, only using channels 36-40-44-48, even when it doesn't tell us to. It has happened to me a few times.

I think it is not possible. Maybe using 802.11r Fast Transition to prevent packet loss?

Ok, you're right, it's not supported by the hardware (iw list not mention HE80P80 capabilities). I misandertood your build, thinking that you find a way to avoid dfs scan by using non contiguous channels at 80Mhz for 160mhz bandwidth.
So, I've to reflash my router with the regular 160mhz channel width :wink:
Thx for your reply