Hi all,
Today I flashed my Edgerouter 4 with openwrt to give it a try.
After trying different configurations for a while I stopped because I couldnt get it to work
I configured lan3 which I think is the SFP module port but the port never began to work.
I think the problem is in the speed and duplex setting. As I remember in edgeOs I had to set the speed to 1000 and full duplex mode.
I tried some things with ethtool but without succes!
Any ideas if this is even possible with openwrt?
Normally you only connect the SPF module and it is plug-n-play on ER4.
What module are you using?
What does the log say?
I use a module from fs.com
Nice…doesn’t say anything meaningful.
Is it rj45 or opto?
But anyway, what does the log say if you remove or insert the module when the router is powered on?
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You can also try the package ethtool-full
instead of standard ethtool
to get more options for SFP.
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Its a opto module. Do you know which log I have to check?
I ran all commands with ethtool-full instead of ethtool!
There is only one system log in the router.
Do you have a rj45 module to test instead?
Opto modules are more complicated to get going and you need to have right module in both ends and right optofiber for the distance and perfect cleanliness just to mention som variables that can fail everything.
And you actually need to have a duplex module to get duplex speed.
There could also be some special modules that are hardcoded per brand. SFP isn’t necessary a standard that the manufacturer have used when built the module or connector.
But TP-Link and Ubiqunti opto modules have always worked for me both on ER4 and D-link switches with OpenWrt.
You should get a log line when inserting the module that say the modules name and serial number. If the module is mounted before boot this data shows up late in the kernel boot log when the ports are initiated.
But it should also afterward say what speed it negotiated for the port if something is actually connected to the module.
And also when removing the module it should come a log line saying the module is disconnected.