OpenWrt on a modem router, or two routers, or modem+router with VoIP?

Thank you very much for your info !
I'm not sure if I understood you right, you wrote that I would need three devices, but if I choose VDSL modem to be a fritzbox router, then I would just need two devices ? (but then I will have to find a right one so that I can avoid double NAT, if it's desirable that way)

And three devices would be needed if I do:
Pure Modem -- OpenWRT -- low-end FB for Phone (perhaps in IP client mode?) or DECT basis.

And for the choice of OpenWRT router, I guess I can follow what you wrote me before:

right ?

For the second option you are suggesting that I would install OpenWRT on, e.g. FB7360, that comes with VDSL2 100 capability, and do it with one router, is that right ? Isn't it rather difficult (for an inexperienced person) to connect VoIP to it ?