OpenWrt libexpat fails with error while enabling OpenWrt packages i2c-tools, python3 and samba

Hi All,
Thanks much for supporting with quick responses that is getting us unblocked!

Here I am with yet another such road block, which needs your guidance:

[ 25%] Building C object CMakeFiles/expat.dir/lib/xmlparse.c.o
/home/developer1/owrt/openwrt_packages/openwrt-21.02/build_dir/hostpkg/expat-2.2.10/lib/xmlparse.c:109:4: error: #error You do not have support for any sources of high quality entropy enabled. For end user security, that is probably not what you want. Your options include: * Linux >=3.17 + glibc >=2.25 (getrandom): HAVE_GETRANDOM, * Linux >=3.17 + glibc (including <2.25) (syscall SYS_getrandom): HAVE_SYSCALL_GETRANDOM, * BSD / macOS >=10.7 (arc4random_buf): HAVE_ARC4RANDOM_BUF, * BSD / macOS (including <10.7) (arc4random): HAVE_ARC4RANDOM, * libbsd (arc4random_buf): HAVE_ARC4RANDOM_BUF + HAVE_LIBBSD, * libbsd (arc4random): HAVE_ARC4RANDOM + HAVE_LIBBSD, * Linux (including <3.17) / BSD / macOS (including <10.7) (/dev/urandom): XML_DEV_URANDOM, * Windows >=Vista (rand_s): _WIN32. If insist on not using any of these, bypass this error by defining XML_POOR_ENTROPY; you have been warned. If you have reasons to patch this detection code away or need changes to the build system, please open a bug. Thank you!
#  error You do not have support for any sources of high quality entropy \
make[5]: *** [CMakeFiles/expat.dir/lib/xmlparse.c.o] Error 1

Thanks in advance!!!

would it be possible to make the output even less readable ?

(use the </> tag)

@frollic , please see below the error snippet, Please see if its fine now.

error: #error You do not have support for any sources of high quality entropy enabled. For end user security, that is probably not what you want. 

Your options include: * Linux >=3.17 + glibc >=2.25 (getrandom): HAVE_GETRANDOM, * Linux >=3.17 + glibc (including <2.25) (syscall SYS_getrandom): HAVE_SYSCALL_GETRANDOM, * BSD / macOS >=10.7 (arc4random_buf): HAVE_ARC4RANDOM_BUF, * BSD / macOS (including <10.7) (arc4random): HAVE_ARC4RANDOM, * libbsd (arc4random_buf): HAVE_ARC4RANDOM_BUF + HAVE_LIBBSD, * libbsd (arc4random): HAVE_ARC4RANDOM + HAVE_LIBBSD, * Linux (including <3.17) / BSD / macOS (including <10.7) (/dev/urandom): XML_DEV_URANDOM, * Windows >=Vista (rand_s): _WIN32. 

**If insist on not using any of these, bypass this error by defining XML_POOR_ENTROPY; you have been warned. If you have reasons to patch this detection code away or need changes to the build system, please open a bug. Thank you!**

**error You do not have support for any sources of high quality entropy**

I assume you tried it ?

@frollic , Can you please suggest the location where we should be defining XML_POOR_ENTROPY, coz all we did was enable the package in make menuconfig, and not sure if we should be editing expat's configure file to enable /define XML_POOR_ENTROPY.


Wonder if this is my fault :slight_smile:

edit: oh wait this is 21.02. nvm.