OpenWRT connect multiple servers automatically?

Hello dear OpenWrt members,
I am a complete beginner when it comes to OpenWrt and hope you can help me.

Is it possible to enter 5 VPN servers in OpenWrt and if 1 server goes down, OpenWrt automatically connects to the next server?

Is it also possible for all LAN devices to use the same VPN server?

Thank you very much

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yes and yes.


Can I also set it so that the internet connection breaks off completely even if I manually turn off the VPN client?

I once read on MerlinWRT that if you turn off the client yourself, your ISP's internet connection is connected.

The kill switch only kicks in if the client is interrupted by a tunnel error.

Is that also the case with OpenWRT?

no one has an answer to that? :slight_smile:

search the forum for vpn killswitch ?

You can configure the firewall so that the LAN users are never allowed to forward to the Internet via the direct unencrypted wan, only via a VPN. Then their Internet does not work unless it is able to go through one of the VPNs.

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