OpenWRT and VyprVPN


Désolé d'écrire en français mais je ne suis pas assez bon en anglais pour suivre une conversation comme celle-ci.

Je viens d'acheter un petit routeur GL-MT300N V2 sous OpenWrt 18.06.1.
Je souhaitais avoir un VPN sur tous mes périphériques de la maison.
J'ai choisi VyprVPN pour sa rapidité que je connais déjà.

J'ai suivi à la lettre ce tuto :

Mais mon client OpenVPN ne se connecte pas.

Y aurait'il quelqu'un en mesure de m'aider ?

Attention, j'ai quelques connaissances mais je suis relativement débutant à ce sujet.

Merci beaucoup.


Sorry to write in French but I'm not good enough in English to follow a conversation like this.

I just bought a small router GL-MT300N V2 under OpenWrt 18.06.1.
I wanted to have a VPN on all my devices in the house.
I chose VyprVPN for its speed that I already know.

I followed to the letter this tutorial:

But my OpenVPN client is not connecting.

Would there be someone able to help me?

Attention, I have some knowledge but I am relatively new to this subject.

Thank you so much.

Sat Apr 6 16:48:10 2019 daemon.err openvpn(VyprVPN)[10233]: Options error: specify only one of --tls-server, --tls-client, or --secret

Does vyprvpn provide a configuration file (usually named .ovpn) to use with their service?

If such a file is provided the simplest way to run the OpenVPN client on OpenWrt would be to copy that file to /etc/openvpn then set up /etc/config/openvpn to use the file with option config /etc/openvpn/vpnprovider.ovpn. That isn't all that you have to do but it should at least get the client able to connect to their server.

Ohhh yes it's OK !
Thank you !!!