Openwrt: after upgrading the kernel, retain old version and no more dsl

Today I did this

apk update
apk upgrade

I see it upgrade kernel sucesfully, but on reboot

 uname -r

must return the version upgrade which is 6.6.74

I also tried to remove power and restart but nothing

And the worst problem is no more dsl :expressionless:

The old dsl0 connection disappear

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Appear this error message

[ 36.592119] kmodloader: no module folders for kernel version 6.6.70 found

Is right because I have upgrade, but why reboot with old kernel??

Solution found upgrading to latest snapshot, now other problem
No more ssh!

ssh root@router
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
Connection to router closed.

I use ssh with pubkey enabled and password disabled

FYI Snapshots don't have the LuCI web GUI installed by default. You mentioned it missing in another thread.

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Yes I know no luci in snapshot but is not a problem, I use openwrt without luci.
Now I have installed it, in the other thread probably was some error in my image snapshot, with latest snapshot luci install fine

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No, apk did not upgrade the kernel at all, it merely overwrote the virtual package that defines kernel metadata. You are lucky that the device boots at all.

When you want to upgrade the device, use sysupgrade or one of the attended sysupgrade tools, and be aware that apk is not capable of doing many things, as it is still in development, and likely will never be able to do a kernel upgrade on OpenWrt.

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Yes now I understand. I was "habituè" of Linux distros where apt, yum, slackpkg, dnf, etc can upgrade all system including kernel. With openwrt is different, apk is to install packages and update, but for a total upgrade is better to do apk update
apk upgrade and sysupgrade

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