Openwrt 24.x VDSL2 unstable

I use OpenWrt 24.10.0-rc2 on my FritzBox 7362SL. In random distances the connection lost and the router is syncing the line again. I cant find any messages in logread and dmesg. I tried a FritzBox 7520 B, with the original router-software from AVM. The are no problems.
Can anybody help me?

If by "random distances" you mean random amounts of time between estabilishing and losing the connection, what scale of time are you encountering - that is, is it usually a matter of seconds? minutes? hours? days?

Did you upgrade this device from an earlier release such as 23.05.5 or is this the initial install? If you have upgraded from an earlier release, which was it and did you encounter the same problem?

Are you using the included xDSL firmware file or a different one (e.g. one found via the xdarklight list)? As some ISPs have equipment with specific requirements (e.g. vectoring) it would also be useful to know which ISP you're with too.

Yes, in the moment it could be minutes or hours.

I use the included xDSL firmware. Nothing from
For vectoring, I use the vr9-B-dsl.bin from the stock firmware AVM.
My ISP is this My contract is a 100Mbit line.

I would try downgrading to 23.05.5 using the AVM vr9-B-dsl.bin. If you still have problems after downgrading, I'd be starting to suspect hardware given that you have a 7520 working with the OEM firmware. You'd probably have to restore the 7362SL to AVM firmware to rule that out.

I suspect a possible issue that might be related to 24.10, but when that issue appears in my device (TD-W8980) it results in either a full reboot or an apparent freeze. Is your device rebooting (and thus re-syncing), or just re-syncing without a reboot?

The device just re-syncing:

Wed Dec 18 12:31:48 2024 daemon.warn pppd[29428]: Connected to 44:d3:ca:63:ec:70 via interface dsl0
Wed Dec 18 12:31:48 2024 daemon.notice pppd[29428]: Connect: pppoe-wan <--> dsl0
Wed Dec 18 13:07:16 2024 pppd[29428]: Connect time 35.5 minutes.
Wed Dec 18 13:07:16 2024 daemon.notice pppd[29428]: Connection terminated.
Wed Dec 18 13:07:18 2024 daemon.warn pppd[12473]: Connected to 44:d3:ca:63:ec:70 via interface dsl0
Wed Dec 18 13:07:18 2024 daemon.notice pppd[12473]: Connect: pppoe-wan <--> dsl0
Wed Dec 18 13:33:44 2024 pppd[12473]: Connect time 26.5 minutes.
Wed Dec 18 13:33:52 2024 daemon.notice pppd[12473]: Connection terminated.
Wed Dec 18 13:37:35 2024 daemon.warn pppd[27612]: Connected to 44:d3:ca:63:ec:70 via interface dsl0
Wed Dec 18 13:37:35 2024 daemon.notice pppd[27612]: Connect: pppoe-wan <--> dsl0
Wed Dec 18 13:41:15 2024 pppd[27612]: Connect time 3.7 minutes.
Wed Dec 18 13:41:15 2024 daemon.notice pppd[27612]: Connection terminated.
Wed Dec 18 13:41:17 2024 daemon.warn pppd[29356]: Connected to 44:d3:ca:63:ec:70 via interface dsl0
Wed Dec 18 13:41:17 2024 daemon.notice pppd[29356]: Connect: pppoe-wan <--> dsl0
Wed Dec 18 14:50:56 2024 pppd[29356]: Connect time 69.7 minutes.
Wed Dec 18 14:54:25 2024 daemon.warn pppd[30350]: Connected to 44:d3:ca:63:ec:70 via interface dsl0
Wed Dec 18 14:54:25 2024 daemon.notice pppd[30350]: Connect: pppoe-wan <--> dsl0
Wed Dec 18 15:40:08 2024 pppd[30350]: Connect time 45.8 minutes.
Wed Dec 18 15:43:35 2024 daemon.warn pppd[31000]: Connected to 44:d3:ca:63:ec:70 via interface dsl0
Wed Dec 18 15:43:35 2024 daemon.notice pppd[31000]: Connect: pppoe-wan <--> dsl0

I have a second, similar device an tried OpenWRT 19.07.10, because its the only version, where luks works good. but there is the same problem with the re-syncing. In the moment the devices doenst re-syncing since 12 hours. But in this time Iam not at home and do nothing in the internet. I try to test the original firmware on the second device.

Does the log contain messages about 'dsl0' is down and 'dsl0' is up that you've not included? If it doesn't, the device is not actually re-syncing. At least some of the disconnected time periods in your log are only 2 seconds (e.g. 13:07:16 to 13:07:18), which is far too short for a re-sync (which usually takes 2-4 minutes in my experience) which suggests that you're experiencing PPP issues in addition to any re-syncs.

Edit: you might also find adding the Log DSL status change script from the Wiki gives you a bit more info about the VDSL2 status.

But I can see, that the DSL led is blinking. that meens syncthing. I tested the OEM firmware and there are no re-syncs. For the logfile, I did a 'logread -e Connect', some special warnings may be lacks.

So the hardware is ok. That leaves the xDSL file that you're using: either the one being used is incompatible with your ISP, or any alternative file (e.g. the file extracted from AVM firmware) is not installed and configured as it needs to be.

I came across this post which describes symptoms similar to yours and suggests the possibility that there are xDSL files which work as expected in the source AVM firmware but not in OpenWrt. There appear to be other xDSL files sourced from other AVM firmwares which work well in both AVM and OpenWrt firmwares. So you may need to try some other xDSL files - the rest of that thread might be worth reading and the previously mentioned xdarklight list is a good source of candidates.

Edit: you might also find janh's go-dsl useful.

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I've done a bit of research. I think my SNR value could be the reason.
the value is 6dB ... thats to low ... very to low?

6dB is the standard target SNR for VDSL2. It's only a problem if the SNR drops below that.

I usually increase the target SNR by 0.5dB because the downstream SNR on my line varies quite a lot - including the 0.5dB increase it usually sits around 6.8dB but can swing as low as 6.1dB and as high as 7.4dB. In my case my connection supports SRA so I don't get full re-syncs if it drops below 6dB but SRA adjusts the sync rates seamlessly, however there's a subtle bug in my ISP's IPoE authentication system that results in DHCP leases not being renewed properly after an SRA event which I try and avoid (instead the DHCP lease expires and a new lease is acquired 1 second later resulting in a short internet disconnection without losing VDSL2 sync).

NB: you can only apply offsets to the downstream SNR target; the upstream SNR target is managed exclusively by the ISP's equipment. If your re-syncs are caused by upstream SNR dropping below 6dB, you need to talk to your ISP.

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I cant see that in the logfiles.

Can I adjust something somewhere with the SNR?

With the OEM software, I dont have any problems. Does the OEM software do something different, like openWrt?

From the OEM software:

I recommend you to try different blob files since your ISP use vectoring
Below code in /etc/config/network will increase SNR +3.0dBm

config dsl 'dsl'
option ds_snr_offset '30

Same thing You will find in luci -> network -> interface -> dsl tab

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Ok, I try this:

config dsl 'dsl'
	option annex 'b'
	option firmware '/lib/firmware/vr9-B-dsl.bin'
	option tone 'bv'
	option ds_snr_offset '30'

also do not underestimate xDSL firmware version
Lantiq vrx200 xDSL firmware recommendation thread - Installing and Using OpenWrt / Network and Wireless Configuration - OpenWrt Forum

Mmmh, for the 7520 even the default DSL-firmware works well with vectoring (also visible in his screenshot) and even G.INP (not relevant for @HTMofDreams as his SP does not seem to support that). Still worth trying different blobs...
Also I concur with @pythonic that getting screenshots from go-dsl (both under FritzOS and under OpenWrt) could be helpful.

In The Moment with the Option:

option ds_snr_offset '30'

It works well but I will testing a couple days und will report my experience.

What do you mean with blobs? The Firmware of the xDSL Modem for vectoring? Its The same firmware, like on the OEM software.

I have a 7520, too ... but typ B and typ B is not supported by OpenWrt. Its a other Modem Chip.

Ah, sorry, I misunderstood and thought you had OpenWrt on the 7520...
Anyway, the more recent DSL modem in the 7520 tends to be better than the old xrx200 modems which might explain the better stability with the 7520...

It seems you found a solution then, great... (knock on wood).

I also saw with the OEM firmware that I had sync problems. I have now tried the blob from the Fritzbox 3370 and it seems to run more stable. But I keep testing.

If you find a firmware blob that robustly and reliably harmonizes with your specific DSLAM/linecard just stick to it :wink: