OpenWrt 24.10.0 - First Stable Release

Those checkboxes are confusing first time...

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Ok, doing a fresh installed did fix the issue, but I almost lost the device as I just flashed it with latest image which showed a warning that it's not sysupgrade image and I thought it was normal and proceeded with it. I was not able to connect to the device for some time and fortunately it booted into OEM Firmware due to dual partition and I was able to do a fresh install. :grinning:

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just upgraded my Nanopi R4S. I approached this with some trepidation due to the well authenicated reports of LAN cutouts, but I have so far had no problems, and have rebooted several times to try to reproduce the error.
I bought a new SD Card and flashed 24.10.0 on it so I had the previous version as backup if necessary. I'll report any issues f there are any.
As always a huge vote of thanks to the devs for producing such fantastic software

I've spent the past nine or so hours tearing all my hair out trying to get this release workable on my Qotom x86-64 box. In the past I have run OpenWrt 21.x, 22.x, and 23.05.x, with the last known good version being 23.05.5; all these past versions have been no issues for me. But for some reason unknown to me, 24.10 is unbootable on my device.

When I try booting 24.10, I've noticed I have keyboard detection and input in the GRUB boot menu. But once I select a boot option from there (either default or failsafe mode), I just get stuck on a completely blank screen, and keyboard input is never re-established like it was with 23.05.5 and prior versions.

I've exhausted all my options and this point and really don't know what to do if I can't even see what's wrong...

My Qotom device in question is a Qotom Q710G4:

I've tried pretty much all releases for 24.10 at this point. Both EFI and legacy boot. Both ext4 and squashfs. No luck.

Serial may tell you more?

There is a known issue with efi grub in 24.10 that it tries to load kernel via efi, not disk read and fails on some machines.

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Had similar issues when moving to a new Drive. Moved back to MBR makes Image level backup and recovery a lot smoother


Two vanilla builds of 24.10 are available for the NanoPi R4S. Both have the same package set as an official build plus PHY+PCIe init patches and an overclock of 2GHz on the a72 cores and 1.6GHz on the a53 cores. One build has a 100MB rootfs like an official build; the other has a 1024MB rootfs.

All kmods are included in both builds since these custom builds cannot use official kmods.


My Qotom device does has serial, but I don't have an adapter for it sadly. Serial is offered over 8P8C/RJ45 port, instead of the usual DB-9 on x86.

The WiFi not showing issue happened in the fresh install. I did a reboot from UI and the SSID didn't show up even though router is up (status lights). I had to do a hard restart by turning-off and On using power switch.

Successfully flashed and working great!

Hopefully the devs will fix the bug with the LAN with the next release for the R4S and make sure that the CPU's are set to the highest cores and not the lowest by default

Thank you for your hard work, I appreciate it, Now I can finally have 24.10.0 on the R4S without issuers.

Keep up the good work :+1:

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Hi all,
maybe I missed something in the meantime,
Is the Xiaomi AC2350 fully working?
Or it has some WIFI issue?

My regards

I finally got around to update my routers and APs and I took the occasion to do some improvements and a cleanup of all the configurations. Everything is working really well.

OpenWrt is truly great guys. It's almost unbelievable what has been achieved here. Way to go!!!

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Archer A7 v5 upgraded with LuCi attended sysupgrade. Working OK.

Installed on a Linksys WRT3200ACM.

It has been running flawlessly for the past 10 days.

Many thanks!



upgraded to 24.10.0 and work like a charm. Indeed seem to be more reactive. Thank you!

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I am running this build on raspberry pi 4
My logging configuration is,
Login output level - error
Cron log level - normal

I have cron setup to run in scheduled intervals. In the system log I see below entries.

Fri Feb 21 02:45:00 2025 cron.err crond[1238]: USER root pid 29561 cmd /root/

What does this mean? How can I configure cron to log only when there are errors?

A reduced implementation of cron in OpenWrt is provided by busybox.

root@router:~# which crond
root@router:~# ls -l /usr/sbin/crond
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            17 Feb  3 18:09 /usr/sbin/crond -> ../../bin/busybox

You could look for a more full crond implementation in the packages.
A quick look turned up micrond. You could look further into that or any others you may find.

root@router:~# opkg info micrond
Package: micrond
Version: 1-r2
Depends: libc
Status: unknown ok not-installed
Section: utils
Architecture: aarch64_generic
Size: 4262
Filename: micrond_1-r2_aarch64_generic.ipk
Description: Small Cron daemon providing a cron.d directory other packages can install their crontabs into

I do not know how that would interact with crond and crontab in busybox. You probably could just remove the links to busybox and the micrond versions would be in effect. The installer probabably does that anyway.

I have not done this myself but it looks like an easy thing to test and revert if needed.

I'm not yet ready to upgrade (from 23.05.5), but looking at the upgrade process, I have several questions.....

If I go to LuCi / Attended System Upgrade
.... response is.....
"Internal Server Error" (overloaded?)
----> I'll keep this text here, but I see others w same issue.

If I visit the Firmware Selector Website, I have the following choices --

FriendlyARM NanoPi R4S Enterprise Edition 4GB LPDDR4
FriendlyARM NanoPi R4S 4GB LPDDR4

Does "Enterprise Edition" mean a non-random MAC chip? Thats the hardware I bought. However, in my install of 24.05.5, /etc/board.json displays the
model as ---

        "model": {
                "id": "friendlyarm,nanopi-r4s",
                "name": "FriendlyElec NanoPi R4S"

..... So it seems as if the "Enterprise" part of the R4S does not matter?

Also, on the Firmware Selector site, should I be adding in non-std modules that I have in my config? Wireguard & Keepalived? (Keepalived is currently unconfigured/unused).

Should I be adding these modules into the Installed Packages list?
Or should I just be backing up / restoring config zip? Will/can owut or pkg install extra modules based on the restored config?