Hoping someone can help with this, no way I can be the only person looking for this combination.
I have a few old TL-WR841N/ND revision 11 routers that I'd love to reuse as VPN routers with openvpn, does anyone have a fairly new version with Luci and openvpn they could share? I know these 4MB devices are low on space but I'd happily sacrifice just about everything other than Luci, openvpn and whatever else is a requirement for those to work, don't even care if wifi works, can rip that out if it helps with space, I'd only ever use wired connections anyway (removing wifi probably a bit extreme for most admittedly).
Looking around I found an old file that installed LEDE 17.01.6 r3979 with built in openvpn but I was having some issues connecting to my VPN provider with it (all files are known good tested on other routers and exactly as they should be but getting "Cipher aes-128-cbc not supported" message which is rather odd - can connect fine from other newer routers using this exact same config file and using aes-128-cbc so thinking this must be some weirdness with old LEDE/OpenVPN 2.4.4), would be great to try a newer OpenVPN version from this router and get additional security update/bugfixes.
Would be great if there was a newer version than 17.01.6 r3979 with built in openvpn I could try on my TL-WR841N/ND revision 11?
I had a look at the image building guide but looks like a steep learning curve really and given how popular OpenVPN is and the quantity of old 4MB devices out there that can still do a job I'm expecting someone who already has an image building VM (and knows what they are doing) could likely create such an imagine in short order or likely there are newer versions than the 17.01.6 r3979 with built in openvpn I already found that exist already?
Would really appeciate some help with this, would be crazy to have to throw these TL-WR841N/ND revision 11 routers away.
Edit: found this 17.01.7 r4030 with built in openvpn as well but same problem when I tried it although it contains the same openvpn version so I guess that makes sense...
Edit 2: Resolved issue, for some bizzare reason certain settings must be in caps for this, immediately works fine when changed to caps, crazy since older and newer versions don't need this:
cipher AES-128-CBC
auth SHA1
Would still be great to get a newer version stripped back to just include web interface and openvpn to fit 4MB but less important now I have something that actually works.