Openocd on Omega2+

Hi everyone,
I want to build and install openocd on my Omega2+ in order to program my ATSAML21G18B chip. I have installed openocd using package manager but it didn't help me because it has only jtag support. I want to use swd option (programming using bitbang) because I have two pins available. So I decided to build openocd myself. After some search I found so I am almost sure that this is possible. I could program the chip using Raspberry pi 4 ( but I couldn't build openocd in the same way on my omega2 board. There are some library dependencies and I couldn't resolve them. I am adding some missing files myself according to the summary of ./configure && make instructions and trying to install necessary packages manually but I am not sure I could install openocd in this way.

Some useful resources:

Thanks for support!!

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I solved the problem :relaxed: aynone interested I can help :slight_smile: