Openconnect server certifcate auth

Hello everyone.
Has anyone ever set up openconnect server (ocserv-main) on LEDE/OpenWRT using certificate authentication?

Seems that every-time I enable cert auth, the app crashes.

root@LEDE:/etc/ocserv# grep 'auth =' ocserv.conf.template
auth = "certificate"
#auth = "pam"
#auth = "pam[gid-min=1000]"
auth = "|AUTH|"

Sun May 27 12:01:22 2018 procd: Instance ocserv::instance1 s in a crash loop 6 crashes, 0 seconds since last crash

Login only auth works fine.

The only info I've found is this: (no cert info at all)
and this which says how to create keys but not how to use them No mention of Router OS usage.

Anyone have any experience with this?

Yes, I have exactly the same crash. Haven't figured out yet.

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I made it work! I enabled "cert-user-oid =" in ocserv.conf.template. ocserv doesn't crash anymore.

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Awesome trick!

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