One router works but the other does not

I have two wireless routers. The first one is a GL.I net 300 M which is working as a wireless router, but I can't get my NETGEAR R6350 to work. The 300M came with GL.iNet's version of openwrt. I used that for a day, then I flashed it with the factory openwrt firmware. The netgear came with its own firmware, but I flashed it with openWRT. So the two routers did not start out identically. I'm unable to figure out what it is about the Netgear that is prohibiting me from connecting to the Internet. The Netgear DHCP is working, but it cannot obtain an IP address from the modem. When I swap over to the 300 M everything works so it can't be anything other than a misconfiguration of the Netgear. I doubt there's any hardware issues on the Netgear since it was working up until I flashed it, I noticed some differences between the default configuration between the two routers, for example, in the interfaces sction of Luci, the WAN and the WAN6 on the Netgear have the word WAN below whereas on the 300 M, WAN and WAN6 have the word ETH 0.2 underneath them. I did not setup that difference as I left everything default, but somehow there are differences. Is there a step by step to setup a wireless router under openwrt that I can follow for the netgear? Any other way to figure this out?

Might be an ISP issue and they lock the connection to a specific MAC address? Could try copy/paste of WAN interface MAC address from GLINET to NETGEAR, see if that helps.

Here's a command to show output from the DHCP process as it tries to get an IP, might help to include that when posting here.

root@OpenWrt:~# logread -e dhcp
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Thank you. I just got it working. I changed the firewall settings in the interface section from what was the default of WAN6 to LAN/WAN. I really don't understand this default or what I did or why it worked.

Ok, probably a missing setting somewhere in Network --> Firewall then.

Glad you got it working!

Can always post /etc/config/firewall here if you want it looked at.

Or just compare firewall settings between the two boxes.

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