Older software in newer release?

My current 19 vs 21 fresh install

luci - git-21.160.68865-15ca915-1									   |	luci - git-20.074.84698-ead5e81
luci-app-opkg - git-21.160.68865-15ca915-1							   |	luci-app-opkg - git-21.079.58598-6639e31
luci-proto-ipv6 - git-21.160.68865-15ca915-1						   |	luci-proto-ipv6 - git-21.148.49484-14511e5
luci-proto-openconnect - git-21.160.68865-15ca915-1					   |	luci-proto-openconnect - git-21.148.49484-9eee69a

It is separate date based versioning in each branch.
Depends on the last update of the specific LuCI module.

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