Notification on new device?

I've seen the script for DHCP notifications when a device connects to a network but my question is, what if the device has a static IP defined and connects to the network, is there a way to get a similar notification as the DHCP script?

idk how OpenWRT keeps track of devices (DHCP, static IP on hardware, static via router)

Is there a Luci command I can run to see all connected devices by hostname, Mac-address or IP?

Or is there a package that exists that can help me track devices that connect?

Short answer: no.

You'd have to see how far you can go with ip neigh or more active scanning.

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Try DHCP notification hotplug openwrt @Google.

This won't work. I already mentioned this in the post. That's for DHCP. Unless if I'm not understanding what you mean.

I need a notification if a device with a static config is connected via Ethernet, I'm wanting OpenWRT to notify me via email or even push notifications via 3rd party.

Thanks. I'll write a bash script to create a file of known hosts and then scan and compare against the known host file.

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