Not really enjoying the Discourse forum

That doesn't sound right. But why would you try to put up a 1.8 MB image anyway?

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because original is 9MB and i already had to shrink it down when uploading to wikidevi

That's either a very big image (in pixel dimensions) or an image with low or none compression.

An image with reasonable pixel dimension and medium compression should be only a few hundreds of KB.

Having said that, I agree that in nowadays, a web app should be able to handle larger images and resize them down where necessary.


Most of the images uploaded to the forum either do not contain relevant information, or the information is of the very limited/temporary importance.
The images worth saving should be uploaded to the wiki, otherwise it's enough to use some image/cloud-hosting and do not waste community resources.


I think he was talking about wikidev, not sure though why he mentioned it here.

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Yep, our wiki is DokuWiki and this topic is about Discourse forum.

i tried to put image in forum thats why

OK. Anyway, 2 MB is a bit too big for the forum.
See, for example, the image below, is only 154 kB (and it's larger than it shows up here. Click it to see the original).


Hearts are gone -- you're welcome :wink:



Now, why doesn't the hollow hand (no likes yet) look like the filled one?

Regarding all the questions about hearts and hands I am asking myself if this is the original iconyfied hand of Mark Zuckerberg? ;- )