No LuCI connection possible after updating to 17.01.1

I flashed the 17.01.1 firmware to a wdr4300 v1.7 and had the KEEP SETTINGS option enabled.

After flash, I cannot connect via LuCI. I get a "Unable to connect" message: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server.

I have good internet over ethernet and Wifi, and I can login to LEDE via SSH. But I can no longer connect to LuCI. I had an https LuCI connection prior to updating.

Anybody know what's going on here?

If you have installed luci-ssl manually, then you will need to reinstall it because sysupgrade doesn't preserve packages. It is the same for all your other manually installed packages. Same thing for me with my Cisco e4200v2.

Thanks so much for bringing my attention to the cause of this.

Will generating an archive before updating preserve my exact configuration (including additional installed packages like luci https)? Or is running a script after updating the only way to cut down the time & energy of reconfiguring everything? The problem with the script is that the template doesn't have "directions" for setting up DNSCrypt or changing the IP address, two things I do. Having to reconfigure everything on all 4 of my routers for every point update will get tiring.

Unless you have out of the ordinary packages that save things in odd locations (outside /etc/config), all your settings will be preserved by a backup, including the settings from your packages.

If you reinstall the packages, then everything will be as before if you bring back your configs (that is, using a standard backup or a sysupgrade with "preserve settings").

There are scripts that can be run before and after migration, just to know what packages are required to be reinstalled. I personally keep my list manually, which is about 10 packages for myself.

Settings/config and the packages themselves are two different things.

Making a backup archive will preserve config, but the extra packages themselves are not included. You need to install the packages manually (or with a script).

If you have lots of extra packages that e.g. affect your internet connectivity, the best way may be to first sysupgrade without settings, then install extra packages, then restore config from archive.

If you have several similar routers and they have rather identical package sets, the easiest option would be to use imagegenerator to cook a personal firmware that includes the extra packages. Then you can just sysupgrade with settings.

ssh into device and change force https option to 0 in uhttpd config. restart uhttpd