When I am on SSID OpenWRT, I can reach LuCi at, but not I have internet access and I can ping and other sites.
When I am on SSID VLAN10_Wifi, I cannot reach LuCi at or I have internet access, but I cannot ping the main router at nor the AP at
Thank you so much! I really appreciate all of your help. Now I'm going to make a few more VLANs
First I factory reset and made the following configuration changes.
I made an SSID called VLAN10_Wifi for this and confirmed that it was working (on the lan) and that a device connecting to it gets an address in the subnet and is able to access the internet.
I then added the gateway and DNS to the lan interface
I added these to my network config file.
config device
option name 'br-vlan10'
option type 'bridge'
option bridge_empty '1'
config interface 'vlan10'
option proto 'static'
option device 'br-vlan10'
option ipaddr ''
option netmask ''