No activation E-Mail

Yesterday I wanted to sign up here, but did not receive any activation E-Mail. I requested it a few times, but never got one. Same for the LEDE Project site, where I registered. Now I signed in using GitHub.

I am using an E-Mail address.

Please try again, and double check spam folder too, if no success just try to use another email address from another domain if possible.

I already tried several times, as I wrote.
Now when I try to sign in with my E-Mail address, I get the message that I need to confirm the activation mail. When I click on "send another mail" it tells me that my account already has been activated. Probably that was caused by signing in through GitHub. Seems like a bug to me.

Could you please fix this?

Just checked: Email after signup is working perfectly.
If it doesn't work for you with, use a different emailadress, since obviously the forum software is functioning correctly, while your emailaccount does not.

As I mentioned: I signed in via GitHub in the meantime. When I try to sign in normal I get this:

"You can't log in yet. We previously sent an activation email to you at Please follow the instructions in that email to activate your account. Click here to send the activation email again."

When clicking on sending a new activation email, I get this:

"Sorry, this account has already been activated."

So I can only login via GitHub right now, which is not what I want.

I could delete your account so you can try again.
Please let me know if I shall do so.

With deletion, all your posts would be deleted too.
Alternatively to deletion, I could Deactivate your account: " A deactivated user must re-validate their email."
I'll contact you via email.

Account deactivated and Activation email sent out to the adress you created the account with.

Same here; registered with email but haven't received the confirmation email.

Using github login now.

You certainly have checked the spam folder and any existing filter rules, havn't you?

Yes; should have specified that I checked spam and deleted and rules. No message

I just checked again and it worked for me now. Have you changed or done anything?

Yes, I contacted the Hotmail postmasters and requested a blacklist removal for our mail infrastructure.
They reviewed our system configuration and took us off the blocklist, so users, and should be able to receive mail from normally now.


Nice, thanks!