New Xiaomi router AC2100

in " Fire-and-forget" mode now

Precompiled stable version (19.07.5) images

New precompiled 19.07.5 images are ready for both:

  • Xiaomi Redmi Router AC2100 (white 6-antenna)
  • Xiaomi Mi Router AC2100 (black)

You will find them (as always) here:

Please make sure that you use the correct image for flashing (there are images for both models included in the same zip file).


You can find my adjusted repositories here (already mentiond in this thread several times but this thread's got a little bit messy over time...):

There are also branches for specific stable versions like for 19.07.5 here:

However I will continue uploading precompiled images on Google Drive instead of Github so you will find only the forked and adjusted source code on Github.


Is possible to upgrade direct from Luci using openwrt-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_redmi-router-ac2100-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin ???


If you're currently using any of my 19.07.x images you can just upgrade from Luci. Otherwise I would suggest a mtd write.


Hi, I´m new in this world, I flashed latest 19.17.05 build with shh following the video from above, someone could help me for a correct configuration for 5ghz?, I live in a house with 3 floors and I want to use my router as Dump AP.

I'm facing big packet loss and WiFi disconnections in 5Ghz, in stock firmware this don't happens at the same distance :c


Hey, how would one flash this using breed? I'm seeing a lot of guides with SSH but none with breed.

Hey, Were you able to install openwrt via breed successfully? I too have a redmi AC2100 with Breed and Padavan. I can't figure out how to flash openwrt? It seems like there is a kernel file ( and a rootfs file( but padavan firmware seems to be in a trx file? How did you get around this?

See this reply: New Xiaomi Router AC2100

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Does image 19.17.05 with LUCI added have the DSA issue in LUCI?
Is there a forum thread tracking the progress of DSA in LUCI?

Is there any specific reason why you're not submitting your changes into upstream repo?


19.07 has no DSA AFAIK

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Hey @abdulaziz.amar is there a guide to upgrade the RAM ? Any pointer appreciated!

You'll need:

  • Latest BREED bootloader for Mi WiFi R3G (I don't test on the original bootloader, since I don't have TSOP48 Programmer, I don't want to risk anything)

  • A 512MB 1866 MHz DDR3 1.5v (not DDR3L) chip, I used mine from an android box that I have lying around that have 4 of that chip

  • A hot air solder station to take out the old RAM chip and put the new one, if you don't have one, maybe you can ask around the local phone/laptop hardware repair shop to do it for you.

  • Luck, lots and lots of luck :slight_smile:

As for the OpenWrt side, you still can use the official images, it will detect the new RAM size automatically, no change needed.

Thanks, not very straightforward but interesting nonetheless :slight_smile:


Do any of you know the Xiaomi Mi Router AC2100 with 4 antennas camouflaged inside its chassis?
It is a black upright round box with the size of Size 120 x 213mm. Here is a google translated information from Xiaomi, where it is shown as number 3:

What do you think of the possibilities, to use the 19.07.5 image from either the Xiaomi Redmi Router AC2100 (white 6-antenna) or the Xiaomi Mi Router AC2100 (black)?

Hi updated my router Redmi AC2100 from 19.7.3 to 19.7.4, and to 19.7.5 when you released it.
I encountered problems once in 19.7.4 and 19.7.5 with the standard image, after a few hours after reboot of the router, I lost the connection to the internet. The Restart of the Eth0.2 WAN card did not change anything. Only a reboot of the complete router corrects the problem.
So I have downgraded to 19.7.3. Do you have any idea of ​​this behavior? where to look in the logs?

Hello everyone,

I tried to follow the guide to install OpenWrt on my Redmi AC2100 (not Xiaomi AC2100). At first it failed but then I found a workaround. But since I'm new using OpenWrt I would like to check what could have been wrong and if my installation procedure is fine.

Here is what I did:

Remark: I am using Windows 10 and it's a brand new Redmi AC2100.

  1. Plug the router and connect my computer to LAN1 (no particular configuration on my computer)
  2. Access the router (, not like written in the guide), skip the "please choose a way to connect to the internet" by selecting automatic IP or something like that, which also gives the STOK value
  3. Add an admin password
  4. Upgrade to 2.0.23, wait 8-10 min for the install and reboot to be complete
  5. Access the two first URL on separate tabs to set SSH with a password (without forgetting to replace and in the URLs)
  6. Open Powershell and type "ssh root@", it asked me to enter "yes" and then the value of
  7. Copy-pasted the 9 lines of code ("# Enable uart and bootdelay... nvram commit")
  8. Let this terminal open, open another Powershell terminal and navigate to the folder where the .bin files are (for ex. D:\Download\Flash)
  9. Copy the following files to the router:
  • kernel1.bin:
    scp openwrt-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_redmi-router-ac2100-squashfs-kernel1.bin root@
  • rootfs0.bin:
    scp openwrt-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_redmi-router-ac2100-squashfs-rootfs0.bin root@
  • Breed:
    scp breed-mt7621-xiaomi-r3g.bin root@
  1. In the first terminal, enter "cd /tmp" and then flash:
  • Breed:
    mtd write breed-mt7621-xiaomi-r3g.bin Bootloader
  • kernel1.bin:
    mtd write openwrt-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_redmi-router-ac2100-squashfs-kernel1.bin kernel1
  • rootfs0.bin:
    mtd -r write openwrt-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_redmi-router-ac2100-squashfs-rootfs0.bin rootfs0

The router reboots.

  1. Connect the WAN port of the Redmi router to another router (which is connected to internet)

So far, it seemed that everything went smoothly but something actually went wrong and I was not able to access the router anymore to install Luci. My computer was not getting any IP from DHCP (169.254.XXX.YYY). I connected it to my other router to see if it would get an IP from it, without success. The system LED was blinking in white, even after waiting for many minutes.
I rebooted in recovery mode (unplug power, hold reset button, plug power and wait until LED stop blinking to release reset, about 10 sec). This allowed me to access Breed, confirming that at least the router was not bricked. From then:

  1. In Breed menu go to flash
  2. Select the firmware of OpenWrt (kernel1.bin), flash
  3. Reboot

At first the system LED was blinking red but after around 30 sec it turned white (no blinking). I refreshed my IP, it was now 192.168.1.XXX.

  1. Return to the Powershell terminal (which got disconnected after the router reboot) and enter "ssh root@"
  2. Execute "opkg update", then "opkg install luci"

I forgot if I typed "rebooted" or switched it off/on, but this time I could access in my browser. And I was in OpenWrt.
Finally I tried to flash it again directly from OpenWrt with sysupgrade.bin. It rebooted but Luci was gone so I repeated the step 15 and 16.

Does it make sense?

I did not have time to really check if the router works properly yet. I just tried to connect to WIFI with my smartphone and it seemed to work normally. Anyway to make sure it is indeed working as it should?

Thank you!

Hi all,

I just purchased and flashed a Xiaomi Mi AC2100 (not RedMi) with the latest snapshot build. Everything seems to be working fine.

However, I forgot to run the nvram commands to enable UART and bootwait before flashing OpenWRT. From what I can tell, the only thing nvram does is update a few variables in the bootloader partition - please correct me if I am wrong here.

Is there anybody who did remember to enable their UART access in the bootloader that could send their bootloader partition over? I want UART enabled for debricking the router if anything goes wrong in the future.
