New version of Cudy WR1300 (V2.0)

Sorry for bumping an older thread. I am running the 23.05 openwrt that I compiled myself (same result with snapshot) on WR1300 V3
However my 5G wifi would only allow up to 3dbm tx, which is pretty bad.

iwinfo phy1-ap0 txpowerlist
   0 dBm (   1 mW)
   1 dBm (   1 mW)
   2 dBm (   1 mW)
*  3 dBm (   1 mW)


iwinfo phy1-ap0 info
phy1-ap0  ESSID: "openwrt-5"
          Access Point: F4:A4:54:85:C4:CC
          Mode: Master  Channel: 40 (5.200 GHz)  HT Mode: VHT80
          Center Channel 1: 42 2: unknown
          Tx-Power: 3 dBm  Link Quality: unknown/70
          Signal: unknown  Noise: -90 dBm
          Bit Rate: unknown
          Encryption: mixed WPA/WPA2 PSK (CCMP)
          Type: nl80211  HW Mode(s): 802.11ac/b/g/n
          Hardware: 14C3:7663 14C3:7663 [MediaTek MT7613BE]
          TX power offset: none
          Frequency offset: none
          Supports VAPs: yes  PHY name: phy1

Am I doing something wrong? I am running out of ideas, which is why I decided to come here and ask around as to what might be wrong with this picture :slight_smile:

It works fine when im right next to it, but if I go in a different room - that baby is slowing itself down significantly.

Thank you for any help or advice you can provide!