New User, need help by selecting Image for Install


I am new on Open WRT forum and need help for selecting right actual Open WRT immage for Install. Its looks for me 18.06 are the actual version.

PC Engines APU4b4

Old Open WRT Hardware list, without links to right immage and without install instructions:
about the APU4b4 Hardware:
about the APU4b4 Hardware:

Open WRT download versions:

1. What are the different of "packages" and "targets" ?

2. What the different of x86/64, generic, geode, legacy ?


The former (packages) contains software, the latter (targets) contains the firmware.

Thanks for information about different of packages and targets.

Now i need too find the right immage for PC Engines APU2 4B4.

Inside the ftp path "64, generic, geode, legacy" are some immages. They are a description about the different of the immages and how to find the right one ?

It's x86_64, so '64'.

Ok, that mean the right immagae for APU 4B4 should be to find on follow path:

What the different of:

  • Image Files ?
  • Supplementary Files ?


Yes, as @slh already noted that to you.

What do you mean by this???

What does this mean????

I think you're making this somewhat difficult...see:

Ok. It`s looks i am not able to understand what the different of some thinks.

A I need one Open WRT 18.06 Immage for follow hardware:
PC Engines, APU 4B4

I am not able to dicide for one of follow, depend of my not existing knowledge:

Which one should i try ?

You don't try, you use the one for your preferred filesystem and boot it. They all should work.

If you are still unclear, ask your OEM's support (PCEngines).

This was also suggested:

After days of checking some websites, i guess the follow 18.06 Immage are the right one for PC Engines APU 4B4:

Its looks like the follow page mean the follow Immage will be the right one:

Its still not clear for me on this time.

Now i will try to find a way to write the immage to SSD.

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You use the dd command to write the bits in the IMG file onto the SSD partition.

dd if=combined-ext4.img of=/dev/sdX