Netgear R7800 optimization

I am new to openwrt so I dont exactly know everything but I know a little. I play more competitive COD and was wondering what should I install on my router and what settings should I change to get the best performance. I currently have 100 down 10 up and get an A rating for buffer bloat but my quality inst as good. If im not mistaking im getting a bad quality grade due to packet loss. How can I fix that?

If im not mistaking im getting a bad quality grade due to packet loss

you have some test/tool that reproduces that? You checked physical cabling / telco ?

I had issues 3years back, and it was purely down to the telephone socket terminations coming in , and around my flat. Got a guy in to re-terminate them and was great ever since. Also, if youre ISP offers a ‘gaming’ profile or low latency profile ask them to switch you onto that

I've had the customer support people come out and install something im not quite sure what it is call but i do know that it boost the line you mentioned. It is before the modem to make sure it boost strength to it. I have SQM and everything enabled. I also have spectrum so if anyone knows if they have a "gaming" profile and could let me know that would be nice.