Need help interpreting system log


I just installed 19.07.5 on a D-Link DWR-921 and then activated the LTE modem as described here in the 'alternative configuration' section.

So far, everything looks normal. However, there are some lines in the system log which apparently refer to errors, failed operations or otherwise look strange (at least to me).

Unfortunately, I don't have the knowledge to understand them. Can somebody please take a look at them and tell me if there is a problem? Thank you

These are the lines I mean (if it is necessary to post the complete system log, please tell me):

Sun Dec  6 07:40:47 2020 kern.err kernel: [    0.797874] mtk_soc_eth 10100000.ethernet: generated random MAC address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Sun Dec  6 07:40:47 2020 kern.err kernel: [    0.814180] port: invalid port id 4
Sun Dec  6 07:40:47 2020 user.err kernel: [   12.015178] urngd: jent-rng init failed, err: 2
Sun Dec  6 07:40:59 2020 daemon.err odhcpd[1059]: Failed to send to ff02::1%lan@br-lan (Address not available)
Sun Dec  6 07:41:04 2020 dnsmasq[1535]: using local addresses only for domain invalid
Sun Dec 13 00:09:12 2020 daemon.err uhttpd[1117]: luci: accepted login on / for root from
Sun Dec 13 00:12:10 2020 user.notice mac80211: Failed command: iw phy phy0 set antenna 0xffffffff 0xffffffff
Sun Dec 13 00:12:10 2020 daemon.notice netifd: radio0 (1990): command failed: Not supported (-122)
Sun Dec 13 00:12:10 2020 user.notice mac80211: Failed command: iw phy phy0 set distance 0
Sun Dec 13 00:12:10 2020 daemon.err hostapd: Configuration file: /var/run/hostapd-phy0.conf
Sun Dec 13 00:12:13 2020 daemon.err hostapd: Using interface wlan0 with hwaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx and ssid "xxx"
Sun Dec 13 00:34:31 2020 daemon.err uhttpd[1117]: luci: accepted login on / for root from

One strange thing is that some lines show December 6th as date, although the installation was done today.

I replaced the hardware/mac addresses and the ssid with x's

The part with dnsmasq appears several times.

Not sure if ".err" generally refers to an error.

There is no real-time clock I most routers, so initially the clock gets set to the build date (or most recent settings file date), until there is internet connection and the correct time can be fetched via NTP.

So, the router started from the build date, 6 Dec, and then later adjusted to the reality of 13 Dec.

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Not always. It just denotes that something is sent to the log system with a more important status code than simple info.

E.g. info about somebody login in with root privileges is mentionable although it is not an error. Logging that as error makes sure that even when the links filtered to show only errors, that piece of information gets shown.

The only real error there might be the radio antenna/distance lines, but if everything works, no need to get worried.

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Okay, thanks for explaining.

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