Multiple DHCP ranges same subnet?

I have a situation where I need to be able to have 2 DHCP ranges. My predecessor (grumble) assigned static IPs in the middle of the scope. It's going to take a while to untangle that and in the mean time we're running out of IP space. The network is a /23 (also inherited). What I want to be able to do is hand out and

My config currently is Start 26, Limit 173 and tacking on that second range is the question.

How does one do such a thing especially considering how does it know the next "Start" is in 10.10.11.x and not 10.10.10.x?

I tried creating a new interface using the same LAN bridge with IP and with "force" enabled on both instances I get nothing.

I don't know of such an option using uci, but you could try this (ugly) workaround.

Create the first range in /etc/config/dhcp and check how it looks:

cat /tmp/etc/dnsmasq.conf* | grep dhcp-range

Then use it as a template for how to create the second range by inserting it into /etc/dnsmasq.conf, e.g.


Restart the dnsmasq service and verify that both ranges are available.

logread -e dnsmasq-dhcp