Multi-package failure to configure: lzo, deflate, inflate

Hey, folks.

I flashed my Linksys WRT1900ACS to LEDE from OpenWRT Chaos Calmer (from scratch, no sysupgrade), and while the transition has been mostly smooth, I still have a few issues going on. Apparently during the initial configuration of various decompression packages, something went screwy...

Upgrading libopenssl on root from 1.0.2k-1 to 1.0.2m-1...
Configuring kmod-lib-zlib-deflate.
failed to find a module named zlib_deflate
Configuring libopenssl.
Configuring kmod-lib-zlib-inflate.
failed to find a module named zlib_inflate
Configuring kmod-lib-lzo.
failed to find a module named lzo_compress
failed to find a module named lzo_decompress
Collected errors:
 * pkg_run_script: package "kmod-lib-zlib-deflate" postinst script returned status 255.
 * opkg_configure: kmod-lib-zlib-deflate.postinst returned 255.
 * pkg_run_script: package "kmod-lib-zlib-inflate" postinst script returned status 255.
 * opkg_configure: kmod-lib-zlib-inflate.postinst returned 255.
 * pkg_run_script: package "kmod-lib-lzo" postinst script returned status 255.
 * opkg_configure: kmod-lib-lzo.postinst returned 255.

I've done forced reinstalls on all of these, probably gonna delete the packages and try again, but is anybody else having this issue?

I get this one trying to install strongswan-full:

  • pkg_run_script: package "kmod-lib-zlib-inflate" postinst script returned status 255.
  • opkg_configure: kmod-lib-zlib-inflate.postinst returned 255.

My .config flag for imagebuilder had them included as modules. The deflate is there but no inflate when I check /lib/modules//


There is already a discussion about that and there are relevant bug reports as well.
Still no fix.

Forum link:

Bug report:

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